Quotes about smitten (15 Quotes)

    If you live for your children, they may be smitten down and leave you desolate, or, what is far worse, they may desert you and leave you worse than childless in a cold and unfeeling world.

    So in the Libyan fable it is told That once an eagle, stricken with a dart, Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft, 'With our own feathers, not by others' hands, Are we now smitten.'

    Smitten as we are with the vision of social righteousness, a God indifferent to everything but adulation, and full of partiality for his individual favorites, lacks an essential element of largeness.

    It hasn't happened very often that I've actually given my heart. Sometimes I can be completely smitten, but I'll still keep it back at arm's length. Because if I do give it to someone and I get hurt, it's tragic. It incapacitates me. I have to be really careful of that. But that's not to say I would be opposed to falling in love with somebody.

    There rise her timeless capitals of empires daily born, whose plinths are laid at midnight and whose streets are packed at morn and here come tired youths and maids that feign to love or sin in tones like rusty razor blades to tunes like smitten tin.

    Culture is smitten with counting and measuring it feels out of place and uncomfortable with the innumerable its efforts tend, on the contrary, to limit the numbers in all domains it tries to count on its fingers.

    I took the PATH train in, and I work next to the World Trade Center. The PATH station smelled like popcorn, unlike the urine and blood of the New York City subways. I was immediately smitten.

    And day by day were the Iranians weakened, for they were smitten with great slaughter, and the number of their dead was past the counting.

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