Quotes about high-caliber (13 Quotes)

    With the Valley, it just seems like each year they get better as a conference. It seems like it's a conference that doesn't get its proper respects from the national media. But it's a terrific conference and has super high-caliber basketball. Absolutely, there's a lot of excitement with this year's tournament.

    There are some high-caliber teams here and placing anywhere in the top six is a great accomplishment. Matt Stephenson wrestled really well and was in every match. It's a good point in the season for Matt to realize that he can wrestle well at a tournament like this.

    Hosting this conference will help us attract further Japanese investment and raise Cincinnati USA's global recognition, ... We have collaborated extensively with the State of Ohio and many leading Cincinnati USA and Japanese firms to set a conference agenda spotlighting high-caliber business figures. This elite group's participation will set the tone for a very informative and successful event.

    This is very much needed in the north end of Colorado Springs, particularly in a high-caliber, full-service hotel. I would expect that you will see a cluster of other hotels develop around it to benefit from the overflow when it fills up.

    We think he'll improve our team in areas where we wanted to get better and give us dimensions on the (low) block, ... He has not only been a high-caliber player, but also a high-caliber citizen.

    Knowing that my wish list was pretty lofty and already busy working on other projects, I wrote Johnny Repeat in distinct chapters so high-caliber artists could contribute without having to make a 100-page commitment. I'm calling it 'cosmic noir.' I can't wait for everyone to see it

    This is a chance for people to be exposed to Ball State volleyball and for us to expand the interest in the sport. We're giving Central State a chance to play a high-caliber team.

    I think it's probably the best coaching job he's ever done. He had them playing high-caliber from Day 1. He somehow motivated them to perform. It's fascinating how he made that team completely click.

    10 great places to enjoy a textbook getaway As college students head off to school, college towns across the country some of them delightful destinations in their own right are poised for the onslaught of students and their families. Many of these towns leverage their geography as an attraction along with charm, dining, activities, high-caliber students and faculty, so you get the best of all worlds, ... have a real ability to keep the young and the young-at-heart engaged in culture and fun.

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