Quotes about bulky (12 Quotes)

    Snow-making technology and the best December in memory has really made it fine for us. The snow is so dense that it insulates itself. The warmer weather is not having much of an effect except everyone doesn't have to wear big, bulky winter clothes.

    Newsmen believe that news is a tacitly acknowledged fourth branch of the federal system. This is why most news about government sounds as if it were federally mandated -- serious, bulky and blandly worthwhile, like a high-fiber diet set in type.

    We like that bulky type of center. It was important for us to get somebody with that type of body. And there is a certain comfort zone with Vitaly.

    At least (the fracture) is farther out on the extremity. I can still make contact with the ball. It's still going to hurt. If it was farther down, it would hurt a lot more and I'd really have to tape it up and it would be really bulky.

    I don't care if it's the two, but I like playing out on the floor, ... I'm not big and bulky so I like being able to run and move. I've always said that those big guys have to catch me. If a guy is 270 pounds, he's going to have a hard time catching me. Then, I feel like I'm quick enough to stay with the smaller guards so I like being out there.

    Developers won't need to build these classes themselves, and XML documents won't be as bulky as they might be because we won't need to include these classes in the application code.

    EVERLASTING, adj. Lasting forever. It is with no small diffidence that I venture to offer this brief and elementary definition, for I am not unaware of the existence of a bulky volume by a sometime Bishop of Worcester, entitled, A Partial Definition of the Word Everlasting, as Used in the Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures. His book was once esteemed of great authority in the Anglican Church, and is still, I understand, studied with pleasure to the mind and profit of the soul.

    Gone are the days of bulky faucet-mounted filtering systems or the hassles associated with water pitchers. This system is extremely easy to install and is priced to become a part of consumers' daily lives -- something they'll wonder how they ever lived without.

    The best tack is to move by a quarter point, with the promise that there will be more cuts to come if the economy remains weak. You can't maintain that promise with big bulky rate cuts.

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