Praise upon any nation will always equal its weight in criticism.
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For most darkness is when dreams are made but for the wise so to when there is light.Greg Evans
A quality novel is never completed on a full nights sleep.
Greg Evans
Adversity is your greatest professor.
Greg Evans
The snow was falling heavily outside. I sat before a blank page for close to ten hours. I refused to get up instead attempted with great pains to coerce stubborn thoughts from my noodle. Useless it seemed until the 11th hour and then all I'd seen and felt and heard, arrived, and was transcribed effortlessly like the tune of chirping birds.
Greg Evans
It's incumbent that we hold these events to energize people's spirits and ignite their passions and engage them in the work that still needs to be done. The civil rights movement did not end with Dr. King's murder.
Greg Evans
A great flaw in men is their inability to open wide their tiny eyes. And it shows
Greg Evans
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