Greg Evans Quotes (95 Quotes)

    For a writer to sit before a blank page, as a painter before a white canvass or general before a bloodless field before the first scribble of creation, is a moment like no other. The writer is consumed by the trice of bliss, jollity, determination, and sensitive to a true and deepest affection.

    Whatever honor there is in giving up, I want no part of.

    A quality novel is never completed on a full nights sleep.

    I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks. I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes. I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone else went to sleep.

    My ambition is the immediate page of the book I am currently working on. The next word to follow the last. A fresh new idea.

    3,000 words, for me, is an exceptional day. 1,500 of which are eventually crossed out, and 1,000 rearranged.

    I realize I'm far from perfect every time I step on the golf course

    Part of perseverance is knowing what you want. Indecision is as useful as road signs in Spain written in Dutch.

    It's incumbent that we hold these events to energize people's spirits and ignite their passions and engage them in the work that still needs to be done. The civil rights movement did not end with Dr. King's murder.

    What of this world but joys and sorrows.

    Be not afraid of flying. Angels live in the clouds and the devil on the earth.

    Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.

    I enjoy writing to Mozart's Requiem Mass and the Kyrie with an energy and beauty that on occasion has moved me to tears. And upon it's completion I lay upon the bed as if in a post coital perplexity. By the end of the chef-d'oeuvre I'm in curious shape. To put into words the sounds that reach into the depths of me I cannot. To put into words the sentiment, and fervor, joy, anguish, humor, and love the ignis fatuus, I cannot, but only be amazed each and every time.

    Psychological trauma leaves its effects in a multiplicity of observances in my case it is inebriation.

    Everyone has a time of the day when they work the best. Those that recognize that are usually the most prolific.

    Words may very well exceed their weight in gold.

    Tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair taught me that life is really a beautiful thing if it wasn't I wouldn't be able to recognize that anything was wrong

    Practicality is responsibility's good neighbor.

    Most people don't realize their neighbors are as nosy as they are.

    No animal likes to be caged. A country is no different. Free a nation and watch it thrive.

    Poor neighborhoods all look the same run-down, graffiti covered, garbage strewn, crime-riddled etc. Affluent ones all look the same as well clean, crime-free, big homes, expensive cars, manicured lawns. Why the hell then doesn't everyone vote like an affluent

    Equality only exists in the food bowl of a dog.

    Both good and bad days should end with productivity. Your mood or affairs should never influence your work

    Endless opportunity is accessible to every man and woman alive. A notebook and a sharpened pencil.

    It is that eternal struggle of good versus evil, that is so engaging to the mind of man and woman alike.

    It seems guerilla warfare has its advantages without regard to time in history. Its simplicity and success.

    Birthday is a salty word if your not a fan of cake and ice cream.

    Writing is not a craft for the timid.

    In ten years I don't know where I'll be, but it won't be here.

    There needs to be a complete resetting of the negative publicity that we've had recently with the Desert Vista coaches, cleaning house. The school's a wonderful school academically. It would be nice to see them do well in all areas, like basketball.

    Praise upon any nation will always equal its weight in criticism.

    Very little bothers me more than seeing or hearing something so astoundingly beautiful that I am unable to put it into words.

    The only road I've ever known has been full of turns with pot holes like chasms.

    The destruction menial labor has done on my psyche is beyond repair.

    Leadership is self-assurance, whether your are or your not.

    There is nothing more satisfying than being able to understand.

    You can always save face with a good hearty laugh.

    Beauty, to me, is an esoteric energy that I can't fully comprehend. I'm surrounded by inexplicable beauty all the time.

    To study the law of contracts is like a triathlon for the mind. You don't think you can finish and once complete you can't stand up.

    A marriage is a gift. It should be opened up and enjoyed.

    The faculty of Jennifer Salzman to bridal design is like William Shakespeare to the play such creations wholly primordial forever can sweep away the breath of even the most stunning of sunsets.

    You never miss them until they're loving someone else.

    The words bloom like Spring flowers and pullulate as falling leaves in Autumn. Fresh invigorate swirls of the pen delight the pages with imagery, symbolism, theater, and emotion that pulsates with the passion of an estranged lover's heart. Love is where it comes from. A love that defies words and entertains madness.

    If all humans were blind they'd find racism in pitch.

    I have never been wholly comfortable in social settings, so I never say much. Yet, very good with people is how I have often been described. Appearance and courteous gesture is remembered far longer than words.

    Notice the painful lashes upon your shoulders, done so solely by the crop attached to your belt.

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    Life - Love - Mind - Man - Education - Time - Sadness - Happiness - Beauty - Sleep - Laughter - Forgiveness - Law & Regulation - Will & Determination - God - Flying - Charity - Wisdom & Knowledge - Night - View All Greg Evans Quotations

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