I believe if more American children read the Ten Commandments and are taught what they mean, they will predictably engage in less crime.
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The idea that he has to move left is a ludicrous, inside-the-Beltway type of thinking, coming from people who want to do him harm, ... I'm confident the administration will ignore that advice.Gary Bauer
The court is the most important division between the two candidates. When Gov. Bush mentioned Scalia and Thomas, it sent an unmistakable message to grass-roots conservatives he will do the right thing.
Gary Bauer
I think it is terrible that the murder of the young man is exploited for a very bad public policy idea,
Gary Bauer
I might be in favor of bipartisanship if that means to get some conservatives in the Cabinet.
Gary Bauer
As long as there's land available, single-family homes will be built, and Colorado residents will always go for a single-family over a condo.
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The conventional wisdom is that if you've got high name recognition right now, the front-loading is going to be a great advantage.
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