Stuart Rothenberg Quotes on Countries (5 Quotes)

    He does not have a reservoir of good will, either in Congress or in the country. People in Congress are looking for ways to disagree with him. Democrats don't seem intimidated by him. And the public doesn't see him as honest, forthright or as much as a leader as they did a year ago. He's considerably weaker.

    If the country is dissatisfied with the direction of the leadership, the direction of the country, dissatisfied with the president's performance, frustrated with the inaction or action coming out of Congress, voters tend to respond to a time for change' message,

    California is going to be quite good for the Democrats. But the rest of the country is a draw.

    I think we are going to hear an awful lot about reform, open government, transparent government. And most presidential elections, frankly, turn out to be about change or the status quo. Do you like the direction of the country or do you want to change it And if you want to change it, how do you want to change it

    His religion is a significant problem because many evangelical Christians do not believe that Mormons are Christians. To the extent that we have controversial religions in this country, LDS (Latter Day Saints) is one of them.

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