Phil Singer Quotes (20 Quotes)

    Before Mr. Spencer unveils his grand plan for winning the general election, he should make sure he gets there first.

    If you continue with a foreign policy when you're arrogant, it makes it harder to hunt down terrorists. Arrogance leaves us isolated.

    Behind the GOP's bravado, there are a lot GOP operatives quaking in their boots.

    The guy on the driver's side closed the door and the cabdriver thought his other passenger was already out and put it in drive and started to go.

    George Bush and Mark Kennedy are the two least popular politicians in Minnesota for a reason They both advocate an agenda that doesn't reflect the needs of average people.

    On the same day that George W. Bush is taking overtime away from 6 million Americans, what else is he to do but get media director Mark McKinnon to come up with a snazzy attack ad.

    It's clearly a reward for the fact that Mike DeWine has been one of the president's most loyal supporters. He has voted the way George Bush wants him to nine out of 10 times. He has voted with the president even when it's at the expense of Ohio.

    The Kean campaign is trying to change the subject so they can distance themselves from the Bush White House.

    This is preemptive damage control for his presidential campaign. It should have been done when he first started working on legislation that impacted the company.

    Each time Bush visits Ohio, he tells Ohioans that the economy is getting better. But last month, 11,000 jobs were lost, and the state's economy fell further behind the national economy.

    It would appear that a few weeks after the Democratic convention, the Bush team is following Kerry around again in an effort to defend the last four years and keep its base interested.

    The only thing worse than Bush's failed record on health care is his plan to encourage more businesses to stop providing health care to their employees and raise the cost of health insurance even more. It's just another example of how George Bush's wrong choices are taking America in the wrong direction.

    Paul Hackett's statesmanlike decision will help us win one of the most important Senate races in the nation.

    The bottom line is that if you're an average American, it's pretty hard to get heard by George Bush and get ahead in today's economy. But if you're a big contributor, or a powerful corporate interest, you get heard loud and clear.

    Two young people made a mistake that the DSCC reported immediately to the U.S. attorney. It's sad and unfortunate that the Republicans are playing politics with this incident.

    Anyone looking for a definition of the pre-911 world view need look no further than at how leading Republican senators have blocked Democratic efforts improve port security since the 2001 attacks.

    The fact that Katherine Harris thinks the best way to help her campaign is to change the subject from her ties to a bribery scandal to how her candidacy is in disarray speaks volumes.

    He's doing what he needs to do. It's going to be a competitive race, and in many respects, the Pederson camp is just getting started.

    We're in a very strong position right now. We're poised to make gains.

    Given the revelations that are coming out about Roberts from these documents, it does beg the question as to whether the White House is sincere in its efforts to reach out to minorities and other groups.

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