Mike Kupinski Quotes (5 Quotes)

    If a deal were not to occur, we believe that the company would consider a recap that may include a significant share repurchase.

    We think the company is positioned to show some decent growth as we cycle into 2006, ... The 2006 figure is pure Comcast growth. We believe the cable platform is scalable and cost efficient. We feel that it's incremental for cable companies to get into the phone business, and we don't think it works the same way with the telephone companies.

    In terms of cash flow (the quarter) was a good quarter, but in terms of revenues, it was a little lighter than what we were looking for.

    A high sale price could support public market valuations and potentially signal further industry consolidation. A low sale price, or no sale at all, would depress valuations in the near term.

    It probably could move earnings a penny, just the fact that they are in the playoffs. But that's fractional. We view it as a modest benefit that could help the company overcome softness in other areas.

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