Mark Bryant Quotes (27 Quotes)

    But in general, the sentiment is very negative right now, ... There's just very little reason to put money to work. It's also historically a tough time for stocks, through October.

    Oil would need to move a lot higher before it really starts to have the impact on the economy that people worry about. But the fact that it is always part of the daily conversation about stocks gives it this big impact.

    People are starting to move from factoring in a 25 basis point rise to expecting a 50 basis point rise, ... If Friday's number is particularly strong, people may take that as a sign that rates will rise as soon as at the June meeting.

    It's absolutely pure stewardship, the beneficial use of what otherwise might be considered waste.

    Oil is certainly not helping, ... We passed 50 a barrel, and as to be expected, people are now talking 60 or more, which is uncharted territory.

    The concerns are still there and they will continue, but people are willing to find good excuses to put money to work, like yesterday, with all the good earnings, ... Interest rates remain at historic lows, so even if they rise 50 or 100 basis points, if we keep seeing double-digit earnings growth each quarter, the earnings will outpace the higher rates.

    A re-analysis of pertinent figures at Monday's meeting led the board to consider and adopt the lower figure,

    I think a payrolls number that varies widely from estimates will shake up stocks, ... But as long as we're roughly in line with forecasts, there probably won't be much stock reaction.

    While Mark and I share the same loss, we do not share the same experiences,

    What's interesting is the change in how oil prices are influencing us, ... Today oil was up and the market is holding up, yesterday oil was down, but we sold off anyway. We'll still keep an eye on it, day to day but it clearly isn't as tied to the stock action as it has been.

    A lot of this (rally) you can attribute to oil being down more than a dollar, ... You had basically a one-stock decline with 3M this morning, and because that is somewhat seen as a proxy for the economy, like GE, it was weighing on the blue chips.

    I think any news out of OPEC tomorrow is likely to provide more of a psychological boost than anything else,

    In that very moment when I had the reality of knowing that six of my children were gone, God did something very precious, ... The Garden of Prayer.

    It's the first day of the quarter, which means there was a lot of end-of-quarter window dressing yesterday. So a lot of people who bought yesterday are looking for reasons to sell today.

    I've never seen anyone pay as much attention to each detail as Brian does. Because of him, our players go into games with a great sense of what to expect.

    I think the understanding is that he might admonish congress a bit on spending, but otherwise, he is unlikely to say anything that would ruffle the markets. He knows how the markets jump on his every word, so he'll be careful.

    The market has every reason to trade down, and so far I think it's showing some resilience,

    I think next week will be dependent on the Iraqi elections, ... If things don't go too badly, there is little bloodshed and a clear winner, it will be another step forward for the country.

    After the convention, after Labor Day, volume should pick up and we'll go from there,

    A lot of people are still on vacation right now, the summer doldrums have kicked in, and everyone is waiting on Friday's payrolls number. There's just not going to be much liquidity until then.

    Mid-year budget amendments for health insurance and for state agencies are around 200,000, ... Which caused the budget to be off by 500,000.

    As for God, his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried he is a buckler to all them that trust in him. For who is god, save the Lord And who is a rock, save our God God is my strength and power, and he maketh my way perfect.

    The market had gotten pounded for a few days, and the Dow fell below 10,000 Monday, which still has some mental significance, ... So we're getting a nice bounce today.

    I think a lot of us will breathe a sigh of relief if we can get through those two events without a terrorist attack, ... Then maybe we can see a little stock rise after that.

    There is some concern with the strength of the economy going forward, ... and that's why you are seeing the economically sensitive names getting hit especially hard. What few gainers you see today are mostly in healthcare and other defensive sectors.

    There's no conviction out there, ... There's a lot of concern that the pace of the economic growth is slowing, and summer is just a seasonal tough time.

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