David Wolf Quotes (25 Quotes)

    Low inflation contributes to the solid performance in Canada's bond market. It is certainly something bond investors always want to see.

    It's seen as the foreigners way of taking money out of the country without necessarily building factories or other obvious ways of adding value to the economy.

    You're just making difficulties and problems all the time. Isn't your continued work in the civil service important to you After all, you won't be able to continue working with us this way. Don't you have any ambitions to get ahead.

    If we started to see above-potential growth, that would certainly be something the bank would be concerned about. It makes sense while the opportunity is available to start to bring those rates up a little bit.

    I seriously wonder if he would go to a premier of a movie about his life because he would have other things to do. He was not into the pomp and circumstance of celebrity or fame. He was into fulfilling his destiny of making art. And I think he would have been happy and bemused, but he would have probably been on his way to Horn Island.

    add greater clarity and specificity to rules we already know but weren't as clear.

    Earth's a great place, and that's where our life is, ... And it's time to get on with it.

    Was he a great genius Was he an eccentric Was he someone who was trying to raise his consciousness in a way people can't even imagine He was on his own path and everybody gets to be their own judge listening to the stories people tell in the film.

    Disney has a business model predicated on the widest possible exposure of its media properties to drive attendance at its theme parks and purchases of home video and licensed products. Without broad, consistent local distribution of its films and TV shows in China, their model won't work.

    I like long-duration space flight and hope my boss will let me do it again, ... I think the age of the true professional astronaut and cosmonaut has come.

    If the provinces' budgets get a little better and the federal budget a little worse, it can only be good for provincial bonds.

    The opportunity to see life they way one of one of our greatest Southern artists actually lived it is just extraordinary.

    If oil prices and gold prices go down, the Canadian dollar will go with them.

    It's hard for anything that will come out of Capitol Hill to make speech any freer in China.

    I am impressed that the stock market generally speaking hasn't been taking it worse than it has,

    This feels great, ... Feels like you're having a little gravity storm down here.

    For current media outlets, this is nothing more than a restating of the rules,

    Weaker results would tend to improve expectations that there's not much if any tightening to come.

    If the Fed continues to tighten more than we expect, the (more) likely it is that the Bank of Canada would also be tightening more than we expect.

    But you've got to solve this as a business issue. The preaching doesn't register here.

    The flow of data both within Canada and outside of Canada has been firmer than I would have expected, with a couple of exceptions.

    It really comes down, more than anything else, to 'do you have a job' and 'are you confident about keeping your job'. If the answer to both of those are 'yes' then consumer confidence is going to be strong.

    Don't eat the lasagna the night you land, ... And that hot shower, don't make it a long one. It's a little hard to stand up, especially when you're washing your hair and your head has to move. That can get you twirling around pretty good.

    Earthworks Entertainment are credible people in the entertainment industry and have had a number of successes, ... We want to work together and figure out how to bring the Big Dog character to life through media.

    What if we're seeing the stirrings of 'Dutch disease', whereby windfall gains from commodity industries push up the currency so as to squeeze activity in more productive sectors like manufacturing

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