Dave Dombrowski Quotes (37 Quotes)

    He still was not in a position where he was totally cleared to be on the USA club. If a guy was hurt at the end of the year, you have an ability to send in an objection for him, which we did.

    I'm saddened because you're dealing with somebody who has put their heart and soul into something. For the organization, he's one of the greatest players of all time. If you've met Alan Trammell and you don't like him, you should probably look at yourself.

    It's hard, yet it's easy to be patient. You know what you have to do yourself. You take all of the proper steps involved. You've got the right people involved. You're thorough. It's not like we make spur-of-the-moment decisions. But at times, you're just going to get murdered from a public perspective.

    We've talked about having somebody at the back end of the bullpen. Todd has had a tremendous career, had a fantastic year last year. ... He's not only got the ability, but the experience that we know we need.

    To me, not only is he a good player, but he's a quality person. He's a guy you win championships with.

    You're looking to make some changes, but not a major overhaul at this point.

    We won a world championship with some high-maintenance ballplayers and he handled Barry Bonds (in Pittsburgh).

    Naturally, you don't ask him to lead the other guys. But if you watch (the pitchers), he's like a sponge. They're always around him, asking questions.

    He's got that hop in his step, the passion back. I think everyone knows who's in charge at this point.

    The time away from the game has helped him a great deal.

    Our scouts thought he could hit at a big league level because he swung a good bat and had a good command of the strike zone.

    I think injuries played some part in our club not performing as well during the season. We never had our club together very long. Unfortunately, the little bit of time we did have them, we didn't play very well during that time period.

    You will not find a more dedicated, hardworking and respected individual that cares more about the Tigers and his coaching staff. However, for the Tigers to reach the next level, I feel it is appropriate to make a change at this time.

    The decision to name one of the top managers in the game of baseball in recent time, to bring him back to this organization, is a very big day for our franchise.

    I don't think it takes long for somebody to be impressed with Jim Leyland and his knowledge of the game. He knows what he wants to accomplish, and he's done it so many times. He's a great communicator. The players like him.

    It works out well - Lou lives in Lakeland, and he's a great Tiger. He's worked hard on the field for us and has done a good job in spring training.

    We're extremely pleased to have a person of his makeup and his ability to bolster the bullpen.

    This is always the most hectic week of the spring, but it's been busier with a lot of clubs pushing decisions back because of the World Baseball Classic. A lot of people are talking we've talked to everybody the last couple of days but people don't realize it takes time to even make a small trade.

    He's a proven winner. He's a leader. When you walk into a room, you know he's in charge. He can bring in young players and work with them, but he can also work with veteran players.

    He's an outstanding manager, one of the best in baseball.

    It's well deserved. He had a great season last year. We're happy to see him that honor.

    I think it's an important year for the organization. We need to take a step forward.

    You just have to hope that doesn't happen. All teams are in the same situation as far as that's concerned. You have to take extra care with the pitchers, and be sure they're ready to throw when those games begin.

    I'm sure that both sports offer their own unique challenges when developing young talent. But I think baseball is more of a crapshoot because you're generally looking at a longer time frame in the maturation process of a young prospect.

    There was no question in my mind that Leyland was the leading candidate if he had the passion. I didn't know that until we interviewed him. Both candidates were made aware that we had a leading candidate. I had been given indications by people that he had it, but it didn't take long to see that he had the passion.

    Some people from the minor leagues have told me that once he comes here, he'll never go back to the minors. He's very well regarded.

    To me, four years is a big commitment, both for the organization and the player. We're very happy to get this done.

    You have to realize that if you start making deals just based on public opinion, you're going to be in a lot of trouble.

    I am driven to move quickly because I think there could be a lot of interest in Jim Leyland.

    They'll be dialing it up at a time of the spring when many players are just doing whatever they do to get ready for the season.

    He's always been a very highly touted individual, a guy that still has a lot of ability. It really comes down at some point to you have to put it together on the field.

    The No. 1 key for our club is health because if we can keep our everyday players on the field, we'll score runs. We have the capability to have a solid pitching staff, especially with the additions of Kenny Rogers, Todd Jones and our two young pitchers.

    It was one of the greatest clubs put together in recent time.

    When we first got married, baseball wasn't her favorite sport.

    Ideally we'd like to still have Kenny in the organization. He had a good season last year. Other pitchers are ahead of him at this point. We needed to create a roster spot.

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