Bruce Reed Quotes (11 Quotes)

    We shouldn't underestimate the White House's ability to win a political campaign, so to the extent that success in November is his objective, this is his announcement speech, and an important one.

    Reed said the delays give companies like his the motivation and opportunity to look more closely at Exchange and Outlook. A lot of end users feel lost in the complex and quirky Notes client, but the hope is Notes 5.0 will cure a lot of that, ... I can't honestly tell them 5.0 will address their concerns yet, and I may not be able to until it actually ships.

    A gun buyback program is a simple, common-sense way to give communities the chance to take guns off the street and out of circulation.

    The reconstruction, massive as it is, is really the easy part. Rebuilding confidence, especially among the poor and vulnerable, is going to be extraordinarily difficult.

    It was an experience that you wouldn't want to miss, but it was absolutely exhausting and everyone was thrilled when it was over. It's not the first thing I'd put on the list of the American dream, but people who want to be there bad enough should have th

    That undermines local control more than any Democrat would ever dream of.

    We've got to win in the heartland of America, ... Democrats are more liberal than the country as a whole.

    We've stopped 500,000 felons, fugitives and stalkers from getting their hands on guns, ... And the most important statistic is that gun crime in the country is down 35 percent.

    This disaster is the best chance the nation has had since the 1960s to take on urban problems with the whole country watching, and both sides had better give it their best shot.

    Let's stop arguing about it, let's pass the president's plan ... more prosecutors, more after-school programs. We can't sit by and watch these trends continue.

    Those of us who are not lucky enough to get the preview beta are still sitting here wondering if Lotus can deliver on all of the 5.0 promises, ... I'm looking at '99 planning, and my patience is growing thin.

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