Albert Camus Quotes on God (8 Quotes)

    God put self-pity by the side of despair like the cure by the side of the disease.

    Can one be a saint if God does not exist That is the only concrete problem I know of today.

    I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.

    I was about to tell him he was wrong to dwell on it, because it really didn't matter. But he cut me off and urged me one last time, drawing himself up to his full height and asking me if I believed in God. I said no. He sat down indignantly. He said it was impossible all men believed in God, even those who turn their backs on him. That was his belief, and if he were ever to doubt it, his life would become meaningless. 'Do you want my life to be meaningless' he shouted. As far as I could see, it didn't have anything to do with me, and I told him so. But from across the table he had already thrust the crucifix in my face and was screaming irrationally, 'I am a Christian. I ask Him to forgive you for sins. How can you not believe that He suffered for you' I was struck by how sincere he seemed, but I had had enough. It was getting hotter and hotter. As always, whenever I want to get rid of someone I'm not really listening to, I made it appear as if I agreed. To my surprise, he acted triumphant. 'You see, you see' he said. 'You do believe, don't you, and you're going to place your trust in Him, aren't you' Obviously, I again said no. He fell back in his chair.

    At each of those moments when he leaves the heights and gradually sinks toward the lairs of the gods, he is superior to his fate, ... He is stronger than his rock.

    There is but one freedom, to put oneself right with death. After that everything is possible. I cannot force you to believe in God. Believing in God amounts to coming to terms with death. When you have accepted death, the problem of God will be solved and not the reverse.

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