Quotes about pep (16 Quotes)

    Pay attention to the voice within.... Sometimes the voice of your conscience gets drowned out by crowd noise or by the pep rally of temptations. And your mind may put some selfish spin on the ball, rationalizing that it's okay to veer away from the ethical route. When we run into conflicts between ethical 'shoulds' and our selfish 'wants,' we all argure out ways to con our conscience. But take pains to listen, because it has your best interests at heart.

    Well, we like to let down our hair and pep it up at the dances, but we keep it slower when we broadcast. We have to please everybody, and that softer music appeals to the larger amount of people. It's like eating too much cake. You have to have your steak too.

    It's very important that parents get involved if their children are involved in athletics, band, pep squad or something of that nature. It's very important for the parents to become involved because the fundraising activities and booster club activities are basically the way that most schools pay for those (transportation) expenses.

    I've been to 19 bowl games and have never seen anything like that in my life. The pep rally was the next night. You don't disrespect the best player on the other team by making fun of his name and have everyone in the audience laugh at him. There wasn't anything I had to do to get this team ready to play. I ought to thank the mayor and people of Boise.

    Somehow, some way we got it done. I told the kids we got the monkey off our back and I don't care how we did it. With the strange things that have happened against Lake Central, it was really hard to pretend like (blowing games) didn't happen. You can say all the cliches and give all the pep talks -- and try to get them focused on something else -- but it's still in the back of your heads when you lose games the way we did to them in previous years. It was tough tonight, but we got through it. It was ugly, but we'll take the win.

    That's the hard part. With the distance they did us a disadvantage. Here we are getting home (last night) at 730 at night, and we are going to have to leave (tomorrow). That's tough to turn around with cheerleaders and players and coaches and the bands, the pep bands and the administration.

    Writing in 120 degree temperatures in the garage that became their rehearsal room provided a suitably intense hot-housing effect. And when they couldn't get into the garage they'd use Ronnie's spymaster knowledge to gain mid-night access to the facilities available at his University's music school. There was about 2000 sq ft of luxurious practice space complete with drum sets, marimbas, cymbals, pianos etc So, for about a month or two we lugged a Marshall to sing out of, a Deville to play the axe through, a Bassman for the keyboard, a bass cabinet for Mark and I used the UNLV pep drum band set, ... Though I'd like to make clear that no instruments were mistreated during this time as we are, and continue to be, respectful, professional and, last but not least, resourceful musicians.

    The Microsoft ruling is a pep pill for business overall because it indicates the current (White House) administration is likely to be more pro-business than the previous administration.

    A great pep band can be a valuable asset to any basketball team. But their hearts have to be into what they are doing. They have to be excited. And the music has to be an upbeat, modern song. If that is the case the pep band is a big boost.

    A lot of people do illegal stuff. I had no problem with those guys rushing the floor. It's an emotional game. They wanted to win. They had their little pep rally and they came out and got the job done, bottom line. We can't be mad if they rush the floor if they win. We should have taken care of business and not even given them a chance to do that.

    When I was a player here, the atmosphere was crazy. At that time, there were only two schools and they didn't like us and we didn't like them. There were pranks, pep rallies, so much going on in the community. But for the players, we didn't pay attention to that stuff. We let others worry about that.

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