Steve Turner Quotes (13 Quotes)

    What I hope kids take from this presentation is to start a discussion with their parents about this and help them to become more aware.

    He's been doing a lot more travelling and seems to have a new lease of life. It's clear that he is much happier in himself since meeting the priest. He's gone from someone who rarely invited friends to dine at his home, to doing a lot more lavish entertaining.

    We would have loved to have him stay. But he was able to get back to his school and be in an environment much more conducive to his comfort.

    This is a great club and they do a lot for the community. They keep kids off the streets and make our job a lot easier.

    We had a really consistent physical effort here today, and we've had that for the last few games. A team like this takes some time to mature, but they're getting there. They've put in a lot of hard work.

    I know that the rats didn't spring into existence in our garden. Unfortunately we gave them a food supply and habitat that was attractive and overlooked the fact that they were there and multiplying,

    We went beyond the perimeter where we saw rats and worked back to the garden. The theory was that we were herding rats back to the garden and didn't want them crossing Oak Manor Drive and going into the neighborhood. I think we took all of the precautions we could and had a lot of experts helping us deal with the situation,

    I looked at different alternatives in going forward and we have a very strong presence in this local market and it just made sense to me to continue on an independent path as far as property management,

    There's not a lot of big kids in this senior class, ... So it's, 'I better get involved early, or else I'm not going to have a chance to get them.' It's their ability and potential down the line. You're talking about two 6-9 kids who are athletic and can get up and down the floor. You can't teach that.

    Our main goal back then was to provide middle Georgians with an informative and entertaining website with no dead links or pop-up ads

    Their property backs up to a wildlife corridor and they are going to see more wildlife than people on Perkins Street, ... I understand it is a really intrusive and difficult problem to deal with. All they can do is remove the food supply and water, reduce the habitat and hiding places and make it an inhabitable place for rats.

    In the whole scheme of things, I'm sorry but addressing a legal obligation comes before even school buses and, certainly, sidewalks.

    We started to attack the rim and we got to the free throw line.

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