Ron Wilson Quotes (148 Quotes)

    We had a number of chances and he made some great saves in traffic. I think we generated six, seven scoring chances. You can't ask for more than that.

    He's a horse. The more you play him, the better he gets. If we were in first place, it would be a different story, but we're not. I'll do everything I can to get ourselves in position to make the playoffs and, according to how the game goes, manage his ice time that way.

    We had an opportunity to jump on a loose puck in our end and we didn't. Then we got a little tired in the end and didn't know what was going on around us.

    You have a game plan. Not like a football game, but an idea of how you want to play, you establish it, and that's always the test when you fall behind early, to see if you can sustain what's been successful. That's kind of a test for us, to play as well as we did for 60 minutes.

    This is an important time of the year and that's always the test - can you maintain what you're doing that's so successful in spite of being behind or not being able to cash in

    He never came around much when I came to Storm Lake. Then I cornered him one day and asked him to. I ended up learning a lot from Harold, including the fact he might have been one of the first paid chiefs at a volunteer department in the state of Iowa.

    We took a couple of bad penalties at the end and it cost us big-time.

    A cynic might say he's profiting from playing with Joe Thornton, and there's some truth to that, but he did score 28 goals without a pass from Joe Thornton two years ago. And he basically was playing on a grind line, a third line, doing a lot of the work himself.

    Darryl can say all he wants that it has no impact on him, but there will be some emotional ties. I know how I felt the year, two years after every time we played against Anaheim (a team that let Wilson go as coach). I wanted to beat them bad. You're always going to think about being let go.

    I will not win a game tonight to lose the next eight games. I will lose a game tonight to win the next eight games, if that makes any sense.

    Somebody will say he only had four assists, but they were huge -- setting up winning goals, making big plays, drawing penalties. He could have drawn about 10 more penalties. And he's a leader in the room along with Patty, they share that responsibility.

    Tonight was kind of an anomaly. You're not going to threaten teams with five power play goals. Since we picked up Joe, though, we've had one of the most dangerous power plays in the league.

    I'm happy with that. I don't know why, if it's just fluky we caught teams at the right time or what.

    They looked sluggish at times and we took advantage of that. And a lot of that had to do with the pressure we created at the right times.

    He's going to be a 35-40 goals scorer.

    Obviously, it was an ugly scene. But I support (Parker) 100 percent.

    We got the upper hand quick, they did a lot of complaining and the next thing you know, we have five penalties in a row against us and it threw us off our rhythm. From that point on, you never knew what was going to be a penalty.

    You have to confront the things that happened the year before. To stick your head in the sand is the wrong approach. We need to figure out what went wrong and why it went wrong, then address those issues and move on. It's been fun for me to have a full training camp and to have some time and patience in the preseason without being under the microscope of winning and losing.

    Toward the end we were running out of gas but we got a point so I'm not disappointed. I'm not going to view this as a loss.

    They did not score one even-strength goal against us in this building, and they were the best home team in the league this year. That's a real confidence-booster for our whole team, and in particular our defense.

    We've been like umpteen points behind (in the standings) and caught people so two goals down in the first 10 minutes is not that big a hill to climb for us.

    I think that's a definite reflection on the opportunities for business growth in the High Desert. I don't think the High Desert is a secret anymore.

    We didn't come here to win just one round. That's not why we played so hard down the stretch. We want to continue to improve. We want a shot at the Cup, simple. We've got to wait, see who we play, prepare and go at them equally as hard.

    We gave up only 14 shots. We've seem to have found our rhythm. We thought they'd come out harder at the beginning, but we had more air in our tires than they did.

    That was not a good call. . . . That's what (expletive) you off. You've got a great hockey game going and you get put down on a questionable call.

    You know, Gary Bettman was here today, so... hello It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a sportswriter to figure out what that means.

    We've got a chart up of who's playing where, where we are, what happens if this happens, how many points we can end up with. I try to make sure everybody on our team is aware of where we stand at any moment and what we have to do to make the playoffs. Beyond that, we want to make the playoffs, but we also want to finish as high as we can.

    Not many guys can make a play on their backhand like that. To see the guy on your forehand is one thing, but to do it twice on your backhand is pretty fun to watch.

    If they come back and assume that everything's going to be hunky-dory, I think they're mistaken.

    He basically hasn't played in two years and it looks like he hasn't missed a beat. He wants the puck, sees the ice well, works hard. It's fun to see a player that young so detailed.

    I didn't like the way we were giving up goals in the third period. We need to show more poise, but our offense was there as it has been for the last three games.

    We were more aggressive and played with a lot more sense of urgency. Everything seemed to work, and we're going to have to be ready to make adjustments on the fly in the next game.

    I think this is as open a year as ever in the NHL for a number of teams to win the Cup. The most important reason is because the rules aren't going to change in the post-season. It will be the same hockey, called by the same rules.

    He was on top of his game in all five. Last season, if you look, he had a lot of points but he had them in 3-4 games. This time it's been spread out and he's been a dominant player just about every shift. He's on the right side of the puck all the time.

    We just didn't have the energy to get anything going. It was a struggle all night. We weren't generating any shots, especially in the third period.

    If you look at the guys who left and add up the goals they scored, it really wasn't very many. They provided leadership and stability in the room, and now it's time for other guys to have that responsibility, because they're mature enough to handle it.

    I wanted to get Patty a little more involved. I think he got excited to see he'd be on the point on the power play. He needs to be playing around 20 minutes a game. It was my fault he didn't play more the other night.

    It's nice if we don't have to hide Christian, just play him against specific people or make sure he doesn't go out against guys in the past that maybe he was intimidated to play against or who would plain-old dominate him. I don't feel that way anymore.

    We just have to make sure we don't take our foot off the gas here. We've got a lot of momentum. You saw that energy in the first two periods, we were all over them and that's the way we're going to have to play in the playoffs.

    I've had four guys do it and they all go for it. They all go to the net hard and live for the red light to go on. That's what they all have in common.

    I'm not going to say consider the source, but why he was the lightning rod for everything wrong in Boston, I don't know. And I can only speak on what I've seen here, and he played great.

    I'm a teacher and by the time I get to school, practice is starting. Katie gets them ready before I get there, so her leadership is very important.

    They end up scoring to make it 4-0 and there goes your energy.

    We've got to make sure we're focused and on-board with our penalty kill because we're playing a team right now that takes a lot of penalties and manages to get a lot of power plays.

    I thought he could score 40 this year, and now he's there. He's exceeding all my expectations as far as I'm concerned.

    Most impressive to me about the group is how they've grasped the rules and played disciplined. Hopefully that gives us a bit of a head start that our guys have understood what the rules are right off the bat.

    What's even worse is we won't be back here for three years, so the Bruin fans and all his buddies won't see him for three years here in Boston. That's a shame.

    The guy's stick is caught in a guy's sweater, it's not hooking. I think he thought Hannan was right-handed. And then you see what happens after that, we get three power plays, but you can't make up a goal.

    He's going to be a stud. You can just see it. He's excited to be at the rink every day. He does everything at the fastest tempo that he possibly can and God does he pound the puck. He's leading our team in shots in the preseason by a wide margin. It isn't like he's Bobby Orr leading the attack, he gets it at the point, he pounds it and he hits the net. Good things happen when you are doing that.

    I never would have thought he'd score the last goal from that distance with the goalie set. You're thinking, 'OK, just shoot it' and the goalie whiffed on it. That ended up being the difference.

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