Reality Quotes (2270 Quotes)

    It is only that my illusion is more real to me than reality. And so do we often build our world on an error, and cry out that the universe is falling to pieces, if any one but lift a finger to replace the error by truth.

    The reality is you must realize that this was a choice made by the impostor. We all have choices, and there is always a better solution than to steal. They have chosen to sacrifice you for their own needs.

    It crosses your mind every once in a while that it's the AFC championship, but it's not any different. It's that whole thing that pressure's a perception, not a reality. It's what you allow to be put on yourself.

    Rev Run is a living legend of Hip-Hop, who's still making great music, but now he's also the dad to an amazing family, ... This series takes us inside his world. It's a kind of a reality 'Father Knows Best' with comedy, heart, Hip-Hop and drama-all under one roof at Run's House.

    The media has enormous power. The media is undergoing huge changes now. It seemed like it's time to step back and look at how the media shapes our lives and our perceptions of reality.

    Americans like to believe we can overcome all obstacles and always triumph in the end, but that's not real life and a steady diet of stories like that will give you a pretty unhealthy view of reality.

    Less-than-expected household spending is a big concern. People are speculating that domestic-demand shares will benefit from strengthening purchasing power, but the reality is still shaky.

    I think that sometimes environmentalists can be out of touch with the reality of poverty, of the challenges that face people who have just emerged from civil war. Wildlife conservation can't happen in isolation.

    The great thing about The Simple Life is that it's a reality show but not based on my reality, ... It has nothing to do with my life or my home or my relationships or anything. I'm not open to anything like that.

    Talent is an amalgam of high sensitivity easy vulnerability high sensory equipment (seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting -- intensely) a vivid imagination as well as a grip on reality the desire to communicate one's own experience and sensations, to make one's self heard and seen.

    Here's the reality for John or Jane Q. Public. If the stock prices at 125 and I want to buy 100 shares, I've got to write a check for 12,500. There's going to be a psychological disconnect for the average investor.

    It was scary to walk in there and see all those ropes hanging. It brought it to reality. It was like oh my God, they did the same thing to them that they used to do to us. I guess there was not much difference because they were both a kind of slavery no matter how you look at it.

    Controversy What controversy This is reality. What I see is that no matter if you're a conservative or a liberal or whatever side you stand on, this is the reality of the situation -- that people's families and their young kids are being affected.

    Without having some kind of parameters placed on a coach, the reality is they could all have a different vision of what a kid's limit is in the heat, ... The policy itself that was adopted by the OSAA executive board gives the coaches some parameters as to how to structure their practices and guidelines to follow.

    Then they show up at the door and the reality is that they are 5-foot-8, 240 pounds and have not run a mile in years. A background check is not going to help you with that.

    What we decided to do ... was visit houses in which people had lived for a year, to find out exactly how they used those spaces, and see whether that reality was the same as that portrayed in builder model homes.

    Of all our dreams today there is none more important - or so hard to realise - than that of peace in the world. May we never lose our faith in it or our resolve to do everything that can be done to convert it one day into reality.

    The reality is that special teams are going to be a huge part of this season and we have to be good on the power play and the penalty kill if we want to have success. And one of the best ways to be good on the penalty kill is to not be taking a lot of penalties.

    It was an emotional roller coaster -- going from Christmas, then your aunt dies, and then all the stats come out and you might get all these records. I've been asked, 'How do you feel' Tired. I'm really blessed we do have this week off where I can kind of grab a hold back to reality.

    Reality shows that, contrary to other countries in southern Africa, we have no basis for a classical guerilla struggle. We have never had a hinterland, and we do not expect to.

    There is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the 'wisdom' of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipli. (Clive Staples

    In our everyday garden grow the rosemary, juniper, ferns and plane trees, perfectly tangible and visible. For these plants that have an illusory relationship with us, which in no way alters their existentiality, we are merely an event, an accident, and our presence, which seems so solid, laden with gravity, is to them no more than a momentary void in motion through the air. Reality is a quality that belongs to them, and we can exercise no rights over it.

    Senator Clinton's political attacks ignore the reality that Republican policies have generated more than 4.6 million jobs since May 2003, created a Department of Homeland Security, and invested record funding to protect cities throughout our country.

    At this point, they're ready for flight assignment. But the reality is they could spend years in technical assignments learning the ins and outs of spaceflight. Then there's another year of training specifically for that flight.

    We know that Americans are consuming their media across different platforms. Although nothing will duplicate the shared experience of watching a big event like the Olympics on television, the reality is that people are on the go and at their desks. Our objective was to create deep and compelling and rich offerings of Olympic coverage on these mobile applications -- and I'm including the Internet with that.

    The market is caught between good quarterly reports, such as the one from Disney, and the reality of company guidance for future earnings that is far from stellar.

    Arguna Of those steadfast devotees who love you and those who seek you as the eternal formless Reality, who are the more established in yoga Krishna Those who set their hearts on me and worship me with unfailing devotion and faith are more established in yoga. As for those who seek the transcendental Reality, without name, without form, contemplating the Unmanifested, beyond the reach of thought and of feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and striving for the good of all beings, they too will verily come unto me. Yet hazardous and slow is the path to the Unrevealed, difficult for physical man to tread. But they for whom I am the supreme goal, who do all work renouncing self for me and meditate on me with single-hearted devotion, these I will swiftly rescue from the fragment's cycle of birth and death, for their consciousness has entered into me.

    If we look to the future, when we talk about outsourcing jobs, when we talk about global competitiveness and our efficiency, none of that matters very much unless we have appropriate training and education for our young people today who are the workforce of tomorrow. It is an economic reality, and we are failing.

    I dreamt last night our love return'd,
    And, sooth to say, that very dream
    Was sweeter in its phantasy,
    Than if for other hearts I burn'd,
    For eyes that ne'er like thine could beam
    In Rapture's wild reality.

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