Animals Quotes (1635 Quotes)

    If you are an animal lover like me, the loss of a pet is as devastating as the loss of a person. Let me tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, our pets will be waiting for us on the Other Side.

    These guys were raised too good. Hey, I don't want guys who won't sign balls for a kid, or who give the front office (flak), or a guy who's not a good human being. I want good people representing the Detroit Tigers organization, too. But I want a different animal, which is the best way to put it. I want to see that mean streak when we go compete.

    That room shares the same air exchange as the rest of the building. The animals can come in sick, and if they have an upper respiratory ailment or anything else, then it can spread to the others. It's not a good situation.

    There is something really mysterious about lions. They could rip you apart if they wanted to, but at the same time they look so cuddly. Can you imagine what humans look like to animals? They must think we're so weird.

    It swam crossways in the direction of the Nautilus with great speed, watching us with its enormous staring green eyes. Its eight arms, or rather feet, fixed to its head, that have given the name of cephalopod to these animals, were twice as long as its body, and were twisted like the furies' hair.

    I'm so happy to be part of the animal welfare effort in this community. It is so important to take care of those defenseless animals that are in need of a warm, safe place to stay while waiting to be adopted into loving homes.

    American shoppers would be shocked to learn that the little bit of fur trim on their collars or cuffs -- even if it's shaved or dyed pink or purple to look deceptively fake -- comes from real animals, possibly even dogs or cats. We are grateful to Reps. Ferguson and Moran for introducing the Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2006, and we urge Congress to pass it quickly. Consumers have the right to make informed purchasing choices, and not to have the fur pulled over their eyes.

    There is a strange kind of human being in whom there is an eternal struggle between body and soul, animal and god, for dominance. In all great men this mixture is striking, and in none more so than in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

    Surely the vilest of animals, in Allah's sight, are the deaf, the dumb, who do not understand.

    My object will be, first, to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.

    I guess growing up I realized that there is really this huge epidemic in a city like Los Angeles, and many other cities, where they put down thousands upon thousands of animals every day.

    People commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains, new stars, garish birds, freak fish, grotesque breeds of human; they fall into an animal stupor that gapes at existence and they think they have seen something.

    I just think you would never kill and cut up a human to wear so why do it to animals? I just think it's horrible, I would never wear fur, although I guess if it was a really vintage piece you might just get away with it.

    People are always the start for me... animals, when I can get into their heads, gods, supernatural beings, immortals, the dead... these are all people to me.

    The ultimate goal really and truly addresses our rabies control and prevention program in addition to improving the care for the animals, and lastly it is an initial step to help control the pet overpopulation we have in El Paso. It's a huge problem.

    It feels great to win the SEC, but at the same time, you always have to look at the bigger picture. I'm not going to lie. I feel great right now But the NCAA Tournament is a whole different animal.

    This extremely violent and depraved act of animal cruelty is particularly disturbing, not only because of the unimaginable suffering this dog was forced to endure, but also because of the implications such cruelty holds for the safety of the community at large.

    Beauty depends on size as well as symmetry. No very small animal can be beautiful, for looking at it takes so small a portion of time that the impression of it will be confused. Nor can any very large one, for a whole view of it cannot be had at once, and so there will be no unity and completeness.

    The tabloids are like animals, with their own behavioural patterns. There's no point in complaining about them, any more than complaining that lions might eat you.

    The heart of animals is the foundation of their life, the sovereign of everything within them, the sun of their microcosm, that upon which all growth depends, from which all power proceeds.

    The problem is that most people don't understand how serious the situation is regarding amphibians - to be honest, many of my colleagues who work with other kinds of animals don't fully understand it either.

    If that's the price of getting together, then I'll be damned if I want to live on the same earth with any human beings If the rest of them can survive only by destroying us, then why should we wish them to survive Nothing can make self-immolation proper. Nothing can give them the right to turn men into sacrificial animals. Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world.

    I blame it on Walt Disney, where animals are given human qualities. People don't understand that a wild animal is not something that is nice to pat. It can seriously harm you.

    Countless images of suffering people and animals have bludgeoned our consciences in the past week, and we have all felt rather helpless, ... Now it's time for the 'Horse Capital of the World' to step up to the plate and do something. In no way are we diminishing the first priority of helping the people who have been affected by the hurricane, but we have received numerous calls and email from people who want to know what they can do to help the animals in that region and in particular, the horses. One of our objectives at the Kentucky Horse Park is to help promote equine welfare, so we are honored to be working alongside the folks at the National Horse Center to meet the urgent needs of these horses and horsemen.

    Growing up human is uniquely a matter of social relations rather than biology. What we learn from connections within the family takes the place of instincts that program the behavior of animals; which raises the question, how good are these connections?

    We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.

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