Anger Quotes (1465 Quotes)

    I hope that we can let go of the anger and the passions and some of the divisions that have consumed us in recent times, because the independent counsel law is not about sex scandals and spin doctors and mud throwing,

    I'm grieving in pain. You got the man, but that's not going to bring Chris back. I hope justice will be served. I don't harbor hatred for the man. I'm just angry. I know God said to love one another, but I'm angry because he did not just take away my son, he took away my best friend.

    Epileptics know by signs when attacks are imminent and take precautions accordingly we must do the same in regard to anger.

    The function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when in it invites a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger.

    I did not think that I was angry, but clearly anger was reflected in my writing. I did not think that I had been affected emotionally, but it was clear from my writing that I was still very emotional about the trial some six months after it ended.

    In this presumption of guilt culture, which is what has come about in Washington in the last 10 or 15 years, there must be a sense of anger there and an inability to manage the facts, ... It's hard to imagine how bad it is. You sit at your desk and you know what the facts are, but you can't get them out to the public because the lawyers tell you you can't - or if you can, the noise from the presumption of guilt culture overwhelms the facts.

    I've seen him far more tense. Whenever he has a formal press conference in the East Room or something, he's terrible. I mean, he's really tense and nervous. I thought he was relatively relaxed -- after that confrontation with Helen Thomas in which he let his real self show, that is, the self that many of his advisers see in private. Laughs He's known to have quite a temper and to cut people off when he disagrees.

    All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.

    It is hardly to be believed how spiritual reflections when mixed with a little physics can hold people's attention and give them a livelier idea of God than do the often ill-applied examples of his wrath.

    It's as if Fox clubbed a beehive, but didn't think about how he would protect himself from the angry swarms of bees, ... The state has the capacity to capture drug traffickers, but it does not have the resources to deal with the violence that followed because the police are the same, the prison systems are the same and the rest of the institutions are as weak as ever.

    A lot of people thought once we lost (Samara) we weren't going to win anymore. Obviously after we lost (Sofia), no one believed in us. The kids took it as a personal affront. When you have a good team that is an angry team, that's a good combination to have.

    . . . when the effects of female jealousy do not appear openly in their proper colours of rage and fury, we may suspect that mischievous passion to be at work privately, and attempting to undermine, what it doth not attack above-ground.

    Anger and humor are like the left and right arm. They complement each other. Anger empowers the poor to declare their uncompromising opposition to oppression, and humor prevents them from being consumed by their fury.

    He's clearly got a temper on him. When we met, the first thing he said to me was, 'I'm an irascible guy' - and he clearly can be - but he was great to work with. I never saw him show his temper because most of the time I was working with him he was getting to hit somebody else in the story.

    There is in St. Paul's definite, soul-stirring assertion of the wrath of God and the reality of the judgment at hand, a truth more profound than any that underlies our somewhat enfeebled ideas of universal benevolence and the determined progress of the race.

    MEERSCHAUM, n. (Literally, seafoam, and by many erroneously supposed to be made of it.) A fine white clay, which for convenience in coloring it brown is made into tobacco pipes and smoked by the workmen engaged in that industry. The purpose of coloring it has not been disclosed by the manufacturers.There was a youth (you've heard before, This woeful tale, may be), Who bought a meerschaum pipe and swore That color it would heHe shut himself from the world away, Nor any soul he saw. He smoke by night, he smoked by day, As hard as he could draw.His dog died moaning in the wrath Of winds that blew aloof The weeds were in the gravel path, The owl was on the roof.He's gone afar, he'll come no more, The neighbors sadly say. And so they batter in the door To take his goods away.Dead, pipe in mouth, the youngster lay, Nut-brown in face and limb.That pipe's a lovely white, they say,But it has colored himThe moral there's small need to sing --'Tis plain as day to you Don't play your game on any thing That is a gamester too. --Martin Bulstrode

    The familiar childhood admonition of 'counting to 10' before taking action works because it emphasizes the two key elements of anger management -- time and distraction.

    Without modesty, woman is devoid of beauty and culture. Humility, purity of thought and manners, meekness, surrender to high ideals, sensitivity, sweetness of temper -the peculiar blend of all these qualities is modesty. It is the most invaluable of all jewels for women.

    I had no intention of coming back to series, but I was 8 12 months pregnant when I read this script and just loved it -- maybe because of raging hormones. Every time I get pregnant, my career gets better. I hope I'll have twins next time.

    My experience in Amsterdam is that cyclists ride where the hell they like and aim in a state of rage at all pedestrians while ringing their bell loudly, the concept of avoiding people being foreign to them.

    It really does change their mental health. The more the two sides of the brain are communicating together, the more pleasant you feel, the more peaceful you feel, the more you feel connected to people around you. The more one side of the brain is dominant over the other, the more you feel angry, sad and disconnected.

    Their anger is justified, ... Their feelings of frustration are justified. We have an obligation to listen so that we don't repeat this situation in communities all across this nation.

    People crowd into film shows, rush towards social clubs - spend days together in playing cards - but when they are asked to sing the Glory of God and purify themselves and the atmosphere, they clamor for concession When the heads hit against each other in anger, can the feet be steady and unaffected They too will kick and trample as maliciously as they can.

    These days in Arizona it's politics by vendetta. You read a bill (out of the Legislature) with the underlying notion of, 'Who are they out to get with this one' There is such a level of anger. There is very little public service that is selfless and about building. Almost all of it is about crushing, limiting and excluding.

    Physically you are a human being, but mentally you are incomplete. Given that we have this physical human form, we must safeguard our mental capacity for judgment. For that, we cannot take out insurance the insurance company is within self-discipline, self-awareness, and a clear realization of the disadvantages of anger and the positive effects of kindness.

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