Michael Barrett Quotes (52 Quotes)

    Even right now, I'm still a little light-headed, but overall I feel a lot better than I thought I was going to feel,

    This one should be lots of fun, ... especially hosted by Paul Woodiel, a man with an inquisitive musical spirit. Paul is a classical and theatrical performer and an expert in ancient and traditional fiddle music. Every year, Paul and I tackle another idea, after which Paul finds the musicians and tells the story to his eager audience.

    He had a tremendous career. He gave a lot to this organization and the organization gave a lot to him.

    I'm just a baseball player I'm not a math major. I'm still not real clear on it. In the event of a three-way tie, it comes down to runs scored, I believe.

    The biggest thing in this game is getting ahead of hitters and finding a way to do that. For him, it's been the ability to do that with all of his pitches so far. That's a positive thing.

    This string sextet by Schoenberg is based on a Viennese poem in which a women walks with her lover under the moon and confesses that she is pregnant by another man. The man tells his love he will stay with her no matter what and raise the child. The arc of the piece moves from abject sorrow and guilt to joy and underscores the transformative power of love and commitment.

    We're currently investigating but there is no indication to that effect (that it was an attack). This is an underground pipeline.

    Sometimes when you try like that, things tend to go both ways. Sometimes you're really good and sometimes you're really bad.

    He just had a tough time getting pitches where he wanted them and too many walks. It's really tough to spot-start. He's in a tough role right now and was coming off a great game. He's had trouble locating his stuff.

    Vintage Maddux. He's hitting his spots well. When he struck out Tony Womack, it was as hard a fastball as I've seen him throw in my time here. He just looks like he's in great shape. And we need him to be that way.

    You're taught to run at him every time. I panicked and threw the ball. I looked up and saw Rollins breaking and I threw the ball.

    It was vintage Maddux. He's been able to locate the ball really well early in the count. He's getting the ball down and away. Late in the count, he's keeping guys off balance by mixing his pitches. You can't say much more than vintage Maddux. He did today what he's been doing the last couple starts -- not trying to do too much.

    It's the first time I've ever been hit in the head and I didn't know how to react, ... As soon as I got hit, I went down and was thinking about what happened to Adam Greenberg. I wanted to stay down until the trainers came out to make sure everything was OK. I had a tough time counting backwards.

    When the e-mail was down after that power outage, it was awful because I had three classes for which I had to do online assignments. I was literally sitting there for hours waiting, checking every 15 minutes to see if it was working.

    I have always favored a mix. I don't believe in segregating music into categories. I think that exercise tends to be very arbitrary. I like to quote the jazz great Louis Armstrong on the subject 'There are only two types of music, good and bad. I play good music.' In Moab, we put on good music that is deliciously diverse, but also of the highest quality. Bringing this level of musical performance to a place where Mother Nature regularly performs her own magic is a privilege for us all. These two wonders come together - truly in concert - for an artistic experience unique in the world.

    I won't make any guarantees or promises, but I think Corey will come back in the best shape of his life,

    Let's be truthful The way the game has gone, it hasn't helped him. You can say what you want, but the guy has put up some incredible numbers, and he did a lot for this organization, and I enjoyed playing with him. That '98 season is a year that will never be forgotten, regardless of how you want to look at it.

    We've made great strides. I'll hopefully be back in the starting lineup today.

    In 1994, I had an opportunity to play in the Olympic Games and I turned that down to play professional. I never dreamed I'd have a chance to put on a USA jersey, and now I get a chance to do that. I can't think of a better opportunity to play for your country. I think this is the real deal.

    It's going to be a tremendous honor. He's in too good of shape for this to be his last start, but I could be wrong and he won't pitch another game. But it isn't because he can't pitch.

    I encourage him to shake me off. That's how I'll learn his game, learn his style. I tell him it's more about the conviction of his pitches than the selection. If I have an issue, I'll go out and talk to him. We've had some discussions on the mound and he's been as cool as a cucumber out there. I can't say enough about his composure. I think that's carried him to this point.

    I don't think the baseball was ever changed. It's hard for me to believe they could change the baseball to increase home runs.

    He may be one of those guys who we have to see a few times before we get used to him. A lot of guys, you don't see them using their breaking balls this early and he uses more breaking balls than anything else, and they're good breaking balls. It kept us off balance.

    He was down here in the clubhouse in the third inning, getting ready for the game. He starts his routine a lot earlier than most guys I've ever seen. I walked in here to get warm for a split second in the third, and I saw him getting ready, so I thought maybe I need to get ready, too. That way, when I went in to hit, I didn't feel rushed.

    It was a pleasant experience they make you feel comfortable. I'm healthy, so why not try to help other people out that need it.

    I like the way that they've come together as a team. You watch them, and it's like they're all playing on the same level whether you're talking about their major league guys or their minor league guys or their independent league guys, whatever. They look like a team.

    We are thrilled to have Alvin join the AOL Media Networks team. We feel confident that through his tremendous experience, Alvin will prove invaluable as AOL Media Networks works toward tapping the full potential of the African-American market.

    This is an issue that is gaining momentum across the country.

    We're all tradable, and if there is a deal on the table that might make us win, anything can happen.

    We are hoping to get in there today, but that's the issue - getting there.

    They gave him an error on that That was a tough play. The ball was going away from him. How we were able to get three runs in that inning was hard to understand for us. But I don't think he was rattled after that play. When you're a closer, you've probably seen worse things that that.

    Darius has a high, gorgeous voice. He's also handsome and young. With that all going on, one day Darius will be a big star. When the idea of an evening dedicated to Stevie Wonder was first proposed, however, my reaction was skeptical at best. But then Darius performed the program at New York's Lincoln Center and got raves. Typically, we seek out and develop unique programs, nothing that anyone has ever heard before, so the Steve Wonder program is unusual for Moab. Had it been performed more than once, we probably would not have considered it.

    I imagine it's frustrating when you get to this point in your career and you can't get a guaranteed contract. I can't imagine what that would be like for him and I feel for him, I really do.

    I think its going to be a lot more like home. I think players are going to end up spending a lot more time here.

    We're going to need a miracle now to stay in this thing. I believe in those, but it's definitely frustrating realizing how good of a team we have and how we've fallen short.

    It's important to know when to order a costly echocardiogram or stress test. Managed care will not continue to tolerate this scattershot approach. Plus, internists are now tested on this skill for board recertification. Requirements for residents and other specialists are sure to follow.

    The first two games they beat us by a total of 47 points, so our strategy was to give up the outside. I figured if we could be in the game with two minutes left, the pressure was on them.

    It's a tough bite to chew. The expectations on us to win and getting upset is a credit to their style of play and their pitching. We put everything we had into this in such a short time, and didn't get it done.

    Sammy Sosa gave a lot to this organization, and this organization gave a lot to him. He did a lot for this city.

    Last year, we saw him have a couple starts like that, and I don't know how to explain it. I know he has good stuff and that he's a competitor, and he's one of those guys who, when he's pitching, everybody wants to help play and win. Sometimes things don't add up.

    He is the blessed seed of the Messiah. He wouldn't be seen as divine as Haile Selassie, but as being of his family tree. The royal family is held in high esteem.

    to keep boys interested in scouting at a time when many drop out. Scouting, traditionally in the teenager's mind, was looked upon as only attended by geeks or people that weren't so cool, ... We now have many instances and high schools where Venturing is cool. And we have a waiting list for teenagers to get into crews.

    It got things off to a bad start that inning. You make that play and it's a totally different inning. That's the life of a pitcher. You have to get through that and pitch through that.

    The one thing I like about this team is as great as it was, as fun as it was, there's no real celebrating what happened today. It means we're focused and moving on.

    Fans have grown weary of the complacency that surrounded the Cubs. I know from my buddy back home. He's 42 and he's been a Cubs fan all his life. He feels like he's going to have a coronary attack every time we lose. Cubs fans love this team. They're not front-runners. And now that the White Sox have won the World Series, the quest to win a championship is on the tip of (Cubs fans') brains.

    It's a little uncharacteristic for Glendon today. The stuff was there but a little inconsistent.

    It's the first thing Cubs fans think about when they wake up in the morning. They've got to go to work and put up with all the White Sox fans.

    I still think people have a tough time visualizing me as a catcher. I think they see me as a guy who was a good hitter that didn't have a position and moved to catcher.

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