Marc Racicot Quotes (32 Quotes)

    When John Kerry first spoke to the issue of terrorism, you'll probably recall he said I don't like to use the word war on terrorism, it's more of an engagement.

    Anyone that would politicize this issue, with the tragedy that's confronting the people of the West, virtually all of them, would be outrageous,

    proved once again that substance will always trump campaign rhetoric.

    Matters have just gotten more grave and more serious,

    Today's reckless allegation by Senator Kerry that the president is overemphasizing the threat of terror demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the global war on terror and the threat facing America and the world,

    You're trying too hard to find a correlation here. You don't know these people, you don't know what they intended. You try to compile statistics and correlate them to a result that amounts to nothing more than speculation.

    Our campaign is not questioning your patriotism or military service, but your votes and statements on the issues now facing our country.

    the administration knew about, that all of us have known about for a long period of time.

    Vice President Dick Cheney won tonight because he countered rhetoric with the facts -- calling into question not just the deficiencies of Kerry's record, but calling into question Kerry and Edwards' credibility as candidates and as U.S. senators,

    On a day when Osama bin Laden again threatened the United States and our allies, it is disturbing to realize that John Kerry neither recognizes nor understands the murderous ideology of our enemies and the threat they pose to our nation.

    The chairman is not a government employee. I'm going to be involved in the political activities of our nation as a volunteer.

    Decrying the mismanagement that led to the summer's catastrophic wildfires The Clinton administration didn't cause these fires, but their policies have left the Forest Service under-funded and under-prepared for this crisis. I don't think it's a conspiracy, but it's a philosophy they have that leads to explosive fires that destroy everything.

    Consumers will be empowered by this legislation because it would create a healthy insurance environment that fosters increased competition and product innovation, rather than the present patchwork state regulatory system, which has not kept pace with the marketplace needs of the 21st century.

    did everything from provide hazard pay for our troops in Iraq to body armor for our troops in Iraq. ... Now, that's the kind of record that the American people need to know about.

    We have a lot of communities that are located in these forested area and we're going to have to focus on making sure that they're protected almost exclusively now because these forest fires have gotten so out of control,

    A majority of Americans oppose partial-birth abortion, and Judge Hamilton's decision flies in the face of Congress passing and President Bush signing legislation banning such horrible acts of violence.

    This is an entirely appropriate effort on our part, we believe, to recall a memory and to recognize what it is that it's going to take in terms of leadership to lead the war on terror,

    Today's ruling is a stark reminder of the clear choice Americans will face in November.

    The bottom line here is I have some threshold and primary responsibilities as a father and a son that I need to address, and that's really the only explanation there is for the decision that was made,

    BUSH'S RATINGS President Bush's popularity is similar to those of past presidents at this stage of an election year, despite a massive negative advertising campaign by his opponent, the National Republican Party chairman said yesterday. Those numbers are very, very comparable to what you see from history with both Reagan and with Clinton, as a matter of fact, ... Fox News Sunday.

    Some of the fires are so hot, so challenging, that it's difficult for us to make any progress,

    There's been a huge focus on the Democratic primary, a lot of media coverage of those events ... huge amounts of money spent attacking the president.

    There are as many jobs for younger Americans as there are for other Americans of every age group in political campaigns. Campaigns are very labor intensive and volunteer dependent.

    The vice president's lawyers have gone to war, in my judgment, against the men and women who serve in our armed services,

    It would create a healthy insurance environment that fosters increased competition and product innovation.

    Sen. Kerry's statement ... in Illinois was unbecoming of a candidate for the presidency ... and ... we call on Senator Kerry to apologize to the American people for this negative attack.

    If Senator Kerry understands the nature of this threat and the need to take on terror, then he should immediately repudiate these troubling comments, and stop all efforts on behalf of his surrogates to blame America for these attacks.

    There is no way you can make a reasonable argument that the economy's not pointed in the right direction.

    It's disappointing that John Kerry's frank talk stopped with a discussion of his complexities and failed to include an explanation of his inconsistencies and contradictions on the central front in the war on terror. John Kerry missed an opportunity to help the American people understand his vote for the war in Iraq based on the same intelligence that the President viewed, his description of himself as an anti-war candidate and his subsequent vote against troops on the front lines. He's right, America can do better.

    We are confident that they will consider this unique request we made and put an end to this abuse of the law and put an end to this violation of the law,

    We've had to shift strategies from a containment strategy to one that focuses almost exclusively on the protection of people and property, which means that a lot of these fires are going to burn for a substantial period of time.

    As we debate these issues, I also ask you to elevate the remarkably negative tone of your campaign and your party over the past year,

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