Madeline Albright Quotes (253 Quotes)

    Fighting terror is a 24-hour-a-day job. Security cooperation must be accompanied by unilateral Palestinian action to pre-empt terror,

    We are allies. We have responsibilities to each other. That's why our troops have been here with Italy's permission for so many years,

    We have made clear that it has to be a fully democratic government, and that Milosevic should not have a role in it, ... And as we talk about lifting the sanctions, I think that this is obviously one of the things we have in mind, but so does everybody else.

    Time and time again, Milosevic has taken half steps to avoid the consequences of his actions, ... NATO will be overhead and next door.

    We see Mali as a pivotal state in Africa, ... as a democratic country and by coincidence through the chairmanship of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) and being a member of the U. N. Security Council.

    At the same time, I think, we understand that value of making progress where we can.

    and then we assessed what are the possibilities for getting out of this impasse, in order to create the proper conditions for resuming the peace talks.

    NATO is doing for Europe's East precisely what it did for Europe's West after World War II,

    Dr. Perry will travel to Pyongyang along with ambassador Wendy Sherman and a small delegation during the period from May 25 to May 28, ... While there, he will explore and assess in person the views of the senior North Korean officials. He will also consult with South Korean and Japanese leaders, both en route to and returning from the North Korean capital.

    We would hope very much that there would not be any unilateral action that will complicate matters here.

    The United States has gone the extra mile, in fact, the extra 20,000 miles, back and forth across the Atlantic many times.

    Time is no longer an ally of this process, it has become an adversary.

    We cannot restore life nor rewrite history, ... But we can make the ledger slightly less out of balance by devoting our time, energy and resources to the search for answers, the return of property and the payment of just claims.

    Unlike the United States and the former Soviet Union during the Cold War, India and Pakistan do not have the benefit of a vast ocean between them,

    Some really earthshaking decisions are being made, which is why it is difficult, ... And these are really decisions between war and peace and life and death.

    No doubt the president will take the opportunity to try to talk to him about working together on some things this fall.

    We're obviously very pleased there will be a resumption of the Israeli-Syrian track, ... but I have said a number of times that the Syrian track movement forward will not be taken at the expense of the Palestinian track.

    Israelis and Palestinians have cooperated in the past to achieve historic agreements as well as practical cooperation on the ground, ... They must find a way again to end the current psychology of confrontation and begin to restore the psychology of peace-making. That is what we will be trying to achieve in these meetings.

    I believe we are at a crossroads in the history of the Balkans as well as NATO, ... The decisions we make in the days ahead will be crucial for us all.

    The two parties are the ones that have to make the hard decisions, but the United States has to be there, ... They need a catalyst, they need to have somebody there as an honest broker. It's in our national interest that we be involved.

    We have made very clear that his fatwa (edict) against Americans is unacceptable -- and do not believe that anyone should give him safe haven,

    We have made it clear that were there any attacks on our forces or on neighboring countries that our response would be swift and sure,

    The struggle to reveal and deal with the full truth surrounding the handling of Holocaust-era assets is wrenching, but also cathartic, ... Only by knowing and being honest about the past, can we gain peace in the present and confidence in the future.

    In our relationship with China, these are neither the best of times nor the worst of times,

    We welcome the European Union's intention to assume the lion's share of the financial burden and, given the U. S. role in the military campaign, this is an appropriate division of labor,

    It is the responsibility of the United States, our partners in the hemisphere and the world at large to maintain pressure for democratic change,

    I should not have worried. ... We were welcomed, given refuge and provided the chance to make new friends and build new lives in freedom. For this priceless opportunity, and all that has since come with it, I will forever be grateful.

    What the Serb people really want to do is to be able to hold up their heads again and be a part of the new Europe. And this (Milosevic's arrest) is a step that needs to be taken to accomplish that.

    This country must not slide into the abyss of a devastating civil war again. The stability of West Africa is too important to permit a return to the power struggles of recent years.

    Saluting Peres' vision of a Middle East where borders are open, governments cooperate ... and religious freedom reigns, ... to find common ground on the most difficult issues.

    Although a year has past ... our mourning for those who died, Americans and Africans, has not diminished, ... We miss them still and rage against their loss.

    He got elected on a very strong mandate for peace, and that is what he is working on.

    There seems to be more of an understanding of the historic opportunity that exists, ... We have a greater sense of optimism ... I have a sense that there is a desire to seize the moment.

    The status quo is not acceptable, ... We need more resources to support our people, operations and programs. These are investments that will pay large dividends rapidly.

    Words here are no substitute for action in the region, ... encourages extremism and diverts attention from the task at hand.

    review whether further actions are necessary to advance our support for democratic values

    But I think the most important thing is that we all keep working to calm things down, keep them calm, and then find a way to get the peace process going again,

    We condemn this act of terror and call on the Palestinian Authority to do everything it can to prevent such acts and resume security cooperation,

    I think that Senator Kerry has been working on explaining that. It hasn't come through, ... He is making that message very loud and clear.

    I respect her for living up to what we think is an international obligation and is going to do the right thing.

    This embassy stands as a reminder that the terrorists who sought to destroy it failed utterly to achieve their ends. They wanted to force America to retreat from the world. We have not and will not,

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