Kim Smith Quotes (28 Quotes)

    I always knew that I wanted to play professionally. It was always a dream and it came true today.

    Her ability to drive into the lane and hit an open teammate is awesome. Her assists per game are unbelievable. Some of the passes she comes up with-you can see some of our teammates are shocked that she could even find her. She takes them off-guard.

    I have to sneak in food too. Yesterday I was in line when the bell rang.

    A lot of businesses are going to be hurt by this. Some will weather through, some won't.

    It disrupts everything. Work, babysitters, (we're) just tired of it.

    I'm really proud of the way we played. We lost today but it was still a successful season.

    He has punched me. He has hit me. He has kicked me. He has bit me. You name it, he's done it. But I don't get mad. You just have to know that at that point in time, he's not in control of his body.

    I can honestly say that I regret nothing... like I said I have the best of both worlds.

    It makes a huge difference (being on the road) it's not as comfortable in another environment. It's more comfortable at home when you know the rims and the crowd. It's something that we have to learn how to do.

    It's such an honor to be a part of something so huge. It was really intimidating but all the actors made me feel so comfortable.

    Models are what they are... people who model clothing, that's all.

    I hope that in 5 years from now I'll be working and doing what makes me happy. Whatever that may be.

    I don't know anyone, first of all, that has their premium totally paid for, for health care.

    Pickup lines are a major turn-off, they don't work on me and I tune them out. It's better to just be honest.

    My first Sweet 16 was on the line, and I just didn't want the season to end. I think everyone was really calm and confident. We had been in bad spots before and knew we could still win.

    Make sure that you choose the right agency... there are a lot of scams out there. Never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

    It's an honor. It's really a testament to my teammates and coaches.

    If the people want this and we elected our school board, sooner or later they're going to have to listen to us.

    I guess I'm very comfortable with who I am... I love my work, and I feel blessed to be able to do this. I have never taken it for granted.

    I'm still reading some scripts and I model as well, so I'm still doing that. But I don't want to do like just anything so we're being really selective about the stuff I'll do.

    My greatest achievement so far is that I've been able to continue with my normal life. I love what I do, but more so, I'm glad to have people who care about me close by.

    Tonight everybody stepped up. We were burying the ball in the hoop and playing defense.

    I think that if this business plan continues as is, they will not be good neighbors to each other.

    I love meeting new people; I think everyone has a story to tell. We should all listen sometimes.

    We've faced a lot of teams with talented posts who are much bigger than us, and we've been successful by playing fundamentally sound defense.

    I came from a smaller town and I just kept setting small goals and achieving them. Anybody can make it. You just have to work hard and I think I showed that.

    It would mean a lot to win it. The last two years, we've kind of had to watch the celebration, then nervously and anxiously await the tournament selection show. It would be great to turn things around this year and know, especially now that we have to wait until Monday, that you're going to go to the tournament.

    It's pretty exciting to be going to The Pit where people might be cheering for us, as opposed to booing for us. It will be a nice change.

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