Frank DeAngelis Quotes (7 Quotes)

    The building's important, but it's the people and students that make the school, ... It's exciting that within two weeks Columbine will become a school again.

    We survived. We will prevail. We have hope to carry on because we were Columbine, we still are Columbine, and we will be an even stronger Columbine from this day forward.

    He was a hero before that, ... He was so unselfish, someone who brought out the best in people. ... He made me a better person.

    Their lives were full of courage and hope and enthusiasm. And never forget that they loved us as much as we loved them,

    There's a lot of fear, people are afraid, ... I'm afraid, but (also) knowing that we're not in this alone, that we can get through this.

    You may be feeling a little anxious, as you get ready to start your classes, but you need to know that you are not in this alone. There are people to support you.

    we will have zero tolerance for cruelty, harassment, excessive teasing, discrimination, violence and intimidation. ... Derogatory comments, verbal or written, made about others will not be tolerated. Racial, religious and sexual slurs or jokes will not be condoned.

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