Douglas Brinkley Quotes (24 Quotes)

    You live your life as a biography and you have chapters and how you handle yourself in time of adversity and crises defines you.

    TR is the perfect ex-president to study as a role model. He attained almost bigger stature out of the White House than within.

    No More Games. No More bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun,

    If you're candid and just talk straight to people about the difficulties you're going through, people will understand. You'd be amazed how many people are experiencing similar situations.

    A kind of malaise falls over you, and you realize you had the main chance and you blew it. You start looking for scapegoats. It takes a while for losing candidates to look in the mirror and understand most of their shortcomings were their own.

    With Nixon, you see the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it.

    His lack of prioritizing hurricane evacuation after Ivan, after we dodged a bullet, is criminal. He didn't learn from Ivan. He was kind of playing the, 'Oh, boy, another close one,' living on a prayer. That's not the way to treat a major metropolitan area.

    The Boys of Pointe du Hoc Ronald Reagan , D-Day, and the U. S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion.

    Why are you screwing around with those people Do a book on presidents. People don't care about secretaries of state. People care about presidents.

    I think President Bush had a very hard 2005 with his failed efforts on Social Security and the problems he had with (Hurricane) Katrina, the continuing beleaguered nature of the war in Iraq. I could go on. But he turned a corner on Dec. 15, I believe, in Iraq with the elections there. And he seems to have kind of picked up an offensive spirit again.

    Under Bill Ford Jr.'s leadership, there hasn't been one vehicle that's been a real cash cow. Now I think he's made his move, and he is going to be known from now on as Mr. Hybrid. If he is successful, he'll be a historic figure.

    February was always the cruelest month for Hunter S. Thompson. An avid NFL fan, Hunter traditionally embraced the Super Bowl in January as the high-water mark of his year. February, by contrast, was doldrums time.

    John Kerry had his back against the wall, and in January turned his campaign completely around.

    Biography tends to tilt history, because every person you are writing about becomes larger than life.

    However, according to an eyewitness, Penn continued his efforts and went on to rescue numerous people in need. I witnessed him rescuing up to 40 people, ... He was up to his waist in toxic muck.

    Thus did nature triumph over man's attempt to conquer it. Nature always wins.

    George McGovern said Hunter's coverage of the 1972 election was the least factually accurate but the most truthful portrait of the campaign. But I don't give Frey the free pass on this one. I'm old-fashioned. I like to know if something's a novel or fiction.

    Depressed and in physical pain from hip-replacement surgery, he started talking openly about suicide, polishing his .45-calibre pistol, his weapon of choice.

    He was the guy who by his heroic actions gave a morality and dignity to the American military effort.

    In his 2000 biography Rosa Parks, ... Her name is a code word against totalitarian governments. There are really three names that have really resonated in the shanty towns of Third World countries around the world. They are Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Bob Marley. They are more loved by poor people than any other historical figures in recent memory.

    It's too little too late. He's still going to get the blame.

    I witnessed him rescuing up to 40 people, ... He was up to his waist in toxic muck.... I'm not going to comment on Sean's trips to Iraq or Iran, but in this case, he was an American hero.

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