Charles Lewis Quotes (10 Quotes)

    Each of these cases is a bit different, but they all come down to the intersection of capitalism and democracy and being lavishly wooed and courted by powerful interests and being susceptible to those interests.

    I thought it would be a nice chance to see a lot of local bands perform.

    We basically have a situation with two classes here a sort of political and economic class, intermingling with each other at their megabucks-level inaugural galas, and the average citizens, who at best get to watch the inaugural from hundreds of yards away.

    With Gerstner, the company hopes to restore its credibility and add a financial juggernaut all in one deft move. It's clear they are trying to button up some of their previous problems with PR and to deflect criticism about all of their purchasing of former U.S. officials, ... It's a move that is clearly designed to make them look like a regular company.

    A bunch of us were appalled, ... I don't want to be represented by that. It's not Christian. ... And we're certainly not thinking about shooting government agents that come to our door.

    My theory is that this is not a time for timidity.

    We elected a government contractor vice president.

    The inaugural has sort of become a metaphor for the whole political process and how money has distorted it,

    We have been lied to in every military escapade in the last 50 or 60 years, without exception.

    These are not accidents. If they're gonna do that, I want their pink slip.

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