Brian Billick Quotes (191 Quotes)

    The reason I said that was this organization, because of what it had to go through (in moving from Cleveland), it had gotten mired in mediocrity,

    We got a lot of work to do plain and simple. This bye week didn't look to be in a good spot when it first came out, but obviously right now it's what we need because we have a great deal of work this next two weeks.

    We're very confident when Chester Taylor is in there and we have no hesitation with him. But Jamal Lewis is a force to be reckoned with, and when it's all said and done, he will have a huge impact on our ability to run the ball.

    We'll have to wait and see what the actual circumstances are, we've got to let the process work itself out. I kind of get tired of having to say that all the time. We're not going to prejudge. He didn't violate any team rules because he was on his own.

    That's why I would be concerned with Cutler. He's a good, young man who is intelligent. But he's not really been under the spotlight on a consistent basis.

    I am afraid I'm not going to be much help to you right now. I am not prepared to give you a lot of observations until I absorb this and look at the film and decide what happened and how we are going to go forward.

    Fans the challenge is there. Pace yourself. Don't all go get beer at the same time, balance it up. Same way going to the bathrooms. The first time there's a little bump in the road, don't lose your nerve. Keep up the noise because we can wear them out. The fans can be a factor. Baltimore fans can be a factor in this game.

    I had a quarterback that had a year off. He needed those snaps, ... I wanted to get as many viable snaps with Anthony Wright - going into the Tennessee game - as I could. Clearly the game was out of reach, but it was a tactical decision to get Anthony the reps.

    Whether it's opportunity, whether it's maturity on their part, all of a sudden they hit it. Some never do. It's just one of those positions that's very unique.

    We are still evaluating where we are with that and whether we can make that happen or not, ... His countenance, everything about him looked good, fresh. We're going to see how we move forward with it.

    We spent next year's No. 1 to get a guy who was ranked 10th on our board this year. What's that worth Unless we wind up in the top 10 of next year's draft -- and we think we're going to a better team than that -- we can live with that price. This building is pumped. We've added to our offense and our defense, and we've got a quarterback we can build around.

    That's that hook I'm talking about. Why would you not hold on to the potential for that for as long as you possibly can ... These guys, the way they played last night, tells me they're holding onto that.

    We've been here before. Every team has at some point. You have to embrace the challenge. It's a tall order. It's an outstanding team, Monday night at their place. Our guys will show up, and be energized by it.

    I think they signed him at 1201. It's amazing you can put a contract together in one minute because, of course, there was no contact before then. He's outstanding.

    Clearly what happened out there was giving into the emotion of the situation. Passion, emotion and intensity are good, but they've always got to be under control and we clearly didn't have it today.

    To a degree, the biggest advantage is you stay fresh and are able to tag-team the backs a little bit, especially late in the season.

    I just basically talked to him about what we're doing and made sure he wanted to still be around for this stage of rebuilding. We just talked football. Just cleared the decks. I wanted to tell him what's going on and make sure he was comfortable with it all. We didn't even begin to talk numbers, but there was no hesitation on his part.

    We have some good depth at key areas, and depth is always a concern,

    Obviously this draft was very important to us. It's a great start ... and there's a great deal of positive energy that we're going to build on.

    If Kyle is or is not a good quarterback, it won't because of a lack of those two things, ... Hopefully, we're going to answer some other questions over the next five games.

    I was fortunate. A lot of it has to do with fate. I knew coming in we had a good talent base. And that this is a good organization. But there were fewer obstacles to winning here than I thought there would be.

    Ray takes a beating inside there. Sometimes, Ray watches and observes and is ready to go. That's what we hope will be the case.

    Pass protection has got to be better. My quarterback is getting the hell knocked out of him and that's not good, ... We've got a guy getting beat here and a guy getting beat there. The backs struggled tonight with protection. They kept coming with pressure, and I would've come with even more the way we protected.

    They are two class individuals and I know they have a great affection for the people in Tennessee, for that organization, as they should, ... There is nothing like going home and being in a competitive atmosphere.

    He's impressive, ... He's picked up the offense very well in a short period of time. He'll be tested on Saturday it's a different level for him.

    It's the logical choice. Kordell was great for us last year. A great team member, understands the role. Hopefully there's enough carry-over for him, verbiagewise, that he can adjust quickly. It's a nice comfort zone having him back.

    He thrives off that kind of challenge. Ray Lewis is too intelligent to let his self-worth be dictated by someone else. Yeah, there's always somebody who thinks you can do it better. And he's 30. But he has a number of dominant years left.

    They're optimistic that he could be fine game time. Certainly, if the doctors say he can't go, he can't go. But he has not been healthy, and you have to be healthy to play this game and this position.

    We have a special group of corners, we have some people that can bring pressure off of the edge, ... It fits Ray and his expertise in the middle. It fits us very well.

    I don't respond to that. That's the most common observation, and I don't know how you quite substantiate that.

    Hopefully he'll get in quickly, ... With a quick, short, aggressive camp, this is like the summer school class you took where you condense eight weeks into four. If you miss one of those classes, you've missed a lot. If you miss one of these workouts, you've missed a lot.

    He has the size, the accuracy and the throwing action. He's a spectacular talent, but he doesn't look like anybody. So that tends to make us all nervous.

    If I'm a fan, I'm not going to miss that game. I'm not going to miss the chance to watch one of the great players of all time come out and compete live. I don't know if it will be his last game, but if it is, and you have a ticket and didn't go, you have no one to blame but yourself. You'll lie about it and say, 'Oh, I went. I saw Brett.' But you'll be a lying dog.

    We have a great example for the young guys. He placed that much value at one more opportunity.

    You can only imagine, if you can put yourself in that circumstance, carrying around in the back of your mind the consequences of where Jamal found himself. Now that that is totally behind him, it would only make sense that Jamal's mind is truly free to be focused on his job.

    That one is as heated and as deep as we've got, which is great, ... Everybody is making plays, or not. It is happening across the board. It's fun to watch.

    I don't know of a football field, pup, community, Pop Warner, junior high, high school or college that that's not a touchdown. But evidently not in the NFL.

    We've always talked about the pressure from the outside and contrasting that with Terrell Suggs . If that's a nickel role, you're talking 15-25 snaps. He's capable of doing more, but we have a lot of assets here to balance that out. If we can use him more, we will.

    Life's great for me. Expectations are low. I've got a Super Bowl ring on one finger and a 14 million contract in the other hand. We're doing it, we're doing OK. Life's good.

    Receiver Travis Taylor and center Mike Flynn practiced, while tight end Todd Heap did not and appears unlikely to play for the Ravens Sunday. The team had circled yesterday's practice as key for Heap's return this week from his ankle injury. We're very optimistic with Travis, ... Less so with Todd.

    I'm excited, excited about the way this team responded and proud of the way they handled the pressure all week long, the attitude they brought into the stadium, ... They responded just the way you wanted them to.

    When he's allowed to show up here, we'll go forward. I'm not completely 100 percent certain when that is right now. God and the U.S. government only know.

    Last year, we felt we were a Super Bowl-caliber team. I think in just about every measure you can put out there, we're a better team than we were last year.

    The weather had something to do with it today. But this Denver team, I still say, has the best offense in the NFL. I understand that with the quarterback situation and the weather we might not have seen their best game. But that was a dominant performance on the part of our defense, against a hell of an opponent.

    Getting the ball in Jamal's hands more, which is always a point of interest for everybody, lends itself to the old adage that a back doesn't get cranked up until he gets to that 20th, 25th run. That may have something to do with it,

    He's been told that there's a possibility of surgery since the injury happened. There was always that possibility. I don't know if it's any more viable now than it was before.

    He has to calm his mechanics down. When he does, he's pretty darn good. Maybe if we can play enough games, the league will beat it out of him to the point where, out of necessity, he slows down a little bit in some of the key fundamentals.

    We're disappointed that it went down this way. We aggressively tried to pursue an athlete that we thought would dramatically impact our team, and we did it in constant concert and connection with the league and the management council. We proceeded in the proper way we were told to proceed, and now we find out that the circumstances are different. That's regrettable, but we'll move on.

    I think we're a better football team than we were last year, in every sense, ... This could very well be the best football team we've had since I've been here, which in essence says that we think we are capable, playoff, Super Bowl-caliber team. However, we did not make the playoffs last year. We don't have the right to talk in those terms. We've got a lot of work to do.

    We've got a lot of work to do, plain and simple.

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