Bill Ginsburg Quotes (6 Quotes)

    There is no question that a fight over executive privilege will delay this proceeding considerably. I think they made the broadest executive privilege claim that could be made, and I think the White House has conceded that, even trying to include the firs

    Today we filed a formal letter, a five-page letter with the Office of Professional Responsibility...complaining about the consistent flow of leaks which we believe are from the office of the independent counsel, and which we believe are creating an unfair environment for this matter to proceed against Miss Lewinsky.

    This is an executive of the government out of control. Where does this stop The government is reaching right into our minds. This is like 'Brave New World' the 1932 Aldous Huxley novel about a nightmarish future. It has got to be stopped.

    The Linda Tripp tapes are just being selectively leaked. It is just unfair and just more of the same unfairness that we have been facing for some time.

    How far it goes after that with congressional hearings or if there is indeed an indictment, a trial of the matter, I can not predict because I don't know what the charges would be or what the circumstances would be. But I think that Mr. Starr is under considerable pressure to fish or cut bait and I think that he is going to have to decide to do something in May or June at the latest.

    Whether or not I am paid on this case I will remain involved to the very end. The constitutional issues, particularly the right to privacy and the right to be free from prosecutorial misconduct, are too important to my country for this to be a matter of money.

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