Andy Kennedy Quotes (178 Quotes)

    I spent all my childhood years trying to get out (of Mississippi), and I've spent all my adult years trying to get back.

    It's just hard to believe how he looked out there. Here is a kid who's a potential freshman All-American. For him to not play with the life that he needs to play with is a big concern.

    I didn't even want to talk about the relevance of being in the BIG EAST prior to us taking care of our non-league. I certainly think we've done some things to improve. I think that we've put ourselves in a position to compete in the BIG EAST.

    I don't have a choice. I mean this sincerely, it would be a disservice to everybody who supports this program if I talk about what we can't do. You're not going to hear that from me. I'm really confident we're going to get this right on Sunday, and then we're going to try to steal a couple on the road.

    Emotionally I have never felt so complex in my life. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or scream. I don't know what to do. It's got me paralyzed a little bit. But I do know this The games keep coming. You can't give up. We're not going to give up.

    I am excited about Tracy and Michael continuing in their roles with Ole Miss basketball. Their contributions and commitment to the future of Ole Miss basketball are important to our long-term success.

    How can we be listless, playing in Freedom Hall in front of 20,000 people against our No. 1 rival on national TV.

    I didn't enjoy watching it very much in preparation. You try to find chinks in the armor and it's hard to do. We've got to hope we make a few shots and they miss a few shots.

    I'm going to walk across campus and as I do, I'm going to look for tall people.

    He's had his ups and downs, but I think he's played as consistent as anybody for us over the last month of the season.

    I know what we can control, we can control our effort and we can control our approach. We do what we're supposed to do to get some second-chance points off the offensive glass, maybe our pressure can get us some easy opportunities in the open floor and we've got to capitalize.

    We have another game against another quality team. Now we'll have to see how the kids will respond. The quality of this league from top to bottom won't let you back your way into success. We lost a golden opportunity in our last game. We were just trying to hold on and back our way in and that's not going to happen.

    We were up five or six and then there was that sense of urgency that seniors feel and Copeland and Whitney stepped up. We always seemed to be a step late going for loose balls and then they started attacking us and had us on our heels.

    We're going to continue to talk about how we have to protect home floor. At the end of the day if we're sitting here disappointed, we will have no one to blame but ourselves if we don't protect home floor.

    There's been a couple of schools that have made some preliminary inquiries, as of this time that's not something I want to share publicly.

    I am here, as most people are, because of Bob Huggins. I never in a million years dreamed I would be sitting here under these circumstances, but it is what it is. We all must attempt to move forward.

    (After the Villanova loss) I was really disappointed for our kids, not in our kids. Tonight that feeling's a little different. As the leader of this group, it's ultimately my responsibility to put this team in position to be successful, and that obviously was not the case tonight. For our upperclassmen, I will continue to try to put this in perspective and try to get prepared for our next challenge.

    It's just the way we've chosen to deal with it. What's there to talk about The reality is that we're undermanned in a lot of areas. We're in the best league in the country. We don't have to read the paper to know that all the teams we play are quality teams.

    Unlike previous years where you could really get geared up for one game, you can't do that in this league. Everybody's good. Everybody's capable. ... This league does not afford us the opportunity to win one for the Gipper. We don't have that mentality. It's a great opportunity for us and we know we still have work to do to meet our ultimate goal.

    The one thing Big East members have done is win when we've had an opportunity to go outside the league. This league is in a position to break the barrier of seven teams getting in the NCAA Tournament.

    I really appreciate that. It's what makes this one of the best jobs in the country.

    In life when you get an opportunity you have to take advantage of it. And I felt as if we did not do enough to take advantage of our opportunity. I'm disappointed for our kids, not in our kids.

    I thought from Day One the difference between third and ninth place, and eighth place and not going to New York, might be a bad weekend, and that's going to play out. West Virginia, Connecticut and Villanova have separated themselves, but everybody else is a game here or a game there.

    We are on the bubble. Unfortunately, now we're in this position where let's say there's six, seven, eight slots available and 10 or 12 teams fighting for those spots. The frustrating thing for us is we can't control it. We're at the mercy of other people, which is uncomfortable, but I'm hopeful we've done enough to merit consideration.

    I do think this league ... will legitimately have an opportunity for eight to nine or 10 bids.

    I've been under this rock now for quite some time.

    He's going to be a tough kid, even though he's only 6-4, he gives us a toughness at the basket. He knows how to block out, he knows how to position off the ball. I think his basketball aptitude is pretty good.

    He was tremendous. (Tuesday) he had maybe his best practice. He was really energetic. I thought he came out and attacked and gave us some offensive productivity early.

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