Alex Ferguson Quotes (114 Quotes)

    After losing to Liverpool and Blackburn it was going to be very tough today. Chelsea only needed a point and they got it.

    He has had a lot of problems over the years. We are all rooting for him and hope he pulls through. Everyone has their own opinion about football and their favorite players but in terms of British players, you would find it difficult to think of anyone better.

    Birmingham had long spells of play in the second half, but our form has been excellent. The signs are very good. We have excellent players who could be world class in a couple of years.

    I'm happy with the quality we have but we're relying too much on our younger players at a time when we're missing the experience of Roy Keane, Gary Neville and Gabriel Heinze,

    The performance was good and we controlled the match.

    Christ, they only lost one game. When was the last time that was done, a hundred years ago

    Ruud has a long-term contract and I am happy about that. We all know he is a fantastic player and he will get his opportunity again. But at the moment Louis merits his place in the team at the moment because of his goals and his performances.

    He's got a heavy knock. We will see when we get back to Manchester. We don't want to make any opinions at this stage, but he's in the right hands with the doctors we we'll have to wait and see.

    Liverpool had the two games in hand. They've now got one, which is when they play Arsenal next Tuesday. At that point we'll have a better idea of where we are.

    He had his fastball, curve and change-up going and was throwing all three for strikes. Also, they played good defense and made the plays they had to make.

    I'm satisfied, I thought we played well. If the opportunity is there, you've got to take it.

    Of course it would be preferable not to be in the Champions League qualifying stage but it has happened in the past, two years ago and in fact when we won the competition in 1999,

    Obviously I'm not going to be here in 10 years, I don't think I'll be here in four years, but I'm making plans for next season all right.

    In any normal season, most of the teams below Chelsea would think they are doing quite well.

    They deserved to win it because they don't lose many goals at home. Their home record is sensational.

    Quinton is doing a lot of running tonight but I'd have to think he's a doubt,

    Roy is the same. There has been speculation that he is going to Celtic, that he has had a massive bust-up with me and that the Irish situation has been a problem. It hasn't been.

    Louis currently deserves to play because of his performances and his goals.

    He has broken his leg and dislocated the ankle joint. It is a bad one. He has gone to hospital, it looks very long term it is one of the worst I have seen. I am sure he will be back.

    In a league of this nature, with the competitiveness of it, you are going to drop points and you have to recover from them. We have to hope Chelsea have a bad spell.

    He had to go and see a specialist and he had to have surgery but hopefully now he'll get a good rehabilitation and we'll take it from next year.

    I didn't think the referee had a choice with the red card,

    You find all the great players want to perform at this level.

    In the second half we played excellent football and could have been four or five ahead with some terrific movement and passing.

    When you lose a game, you have three or four days to make amends, and we did so tonight.

    We will have to perform far better than we did today if we are going to catch them because we have put ourselves in a really difficult position.

    We got a dream start, scored at the right times and did well in the end. I am pleased with the result because we were expecting a very difficult game.

    We've seen videos of Wolves' last three games, and they've been doing well. But we got a dream start, scored at the right times and did well in the end.

    He's fiery, he's competitive, ... I think it was an unfair booking, and Wayne reacts like this against injustice.

    You never know but at the moment I doubt he'll take part in the World Cup because of the recovery time.

    He never doubted it. He knew he would come back. It has taken a lot of determination for the lad to do that. It's a measure of the man. He is an outstanding man.

    Our second goal was a great example for any person who wants to get to the very top. Wayne has a fantastic work ethic. Today wasn't a great performance but we were determined in the defensive part of our game.

    We're capable of winning the league but we need to get the form that's capable of winning the league -- and we're not showing that at the moment.

    It was a very competitive game, they (Rovers) make you work and the referee work, there is no question of that.

    The first game we hit the ball hard. Matt pitched a really good game. He got himself into a jam in the first inning but got out of it. He threw strikes and hit his spots.

    I think the performance in the first half was excellent. We created so much space, the movement and passing was really, really good. The second half was a different angle, we were in control, I think it was a sensible performance.

    At one point, I thought it might have ended up 20-20. But then common sense took over - or boring football took over,

    It's a blow for Villarreal. It seems that he won't be playing. But we have to concentrate on our own good players and hopefully they will give us the result we need,

    We are hoping there can be a change in the next 24 hours. There were no problems after the game (last Sunday) but when he turned up for training with Holland there was swelling. We are having to work hard to try and get the swelling down.

    Chelsea deserve all the credit. 3-0 was harsh but we let in soft goals and when you do that against Chelsea you have to take your medicine.

    The one serious doubt is Ruud. It's looking very doubtful for him at the moment,

    He has been playing with a bit of pain and it was just too much after Saturday,

    At the moment we have to calm people down, rather than build up people's expectation, which is what is happening at the moment. We will do our best to get the boy to Germany but if he is not fit, he is not going to go.

    I am not going to answer any questions about my future. Other people in the media will have plenty to say. I have a job to do, it is a good job and I have every confidence in my players.

    Both pitchers today were not as sharp as their first game. Matt (Reich) was coming off three days rest. He left the ball up and got hit around. He didn't pitch bad but he wasn't great. He kept us in the game.

    I think today was probably a fair result. We cannot do anything about Chelsea, all we can do is concentrate on our own results. We have to collect as many points as we can and try to stay as close as possible.

    It requires patience and urgency but most of all it requires excellent play and good football. We were a bit slow in the first-half but Cristiano made a difference when he came on and we got there eventually.

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