Alan Davis Quotes (15 Quotes)

    Microsoft has been caught for the past three years between value and growth and is trying to find itself. It appears cheap but it's a moderate growth story so it will probably be bound to range in the upper 20s for the rest of this year.

    Acquisition has certainly been an ongoing strategy, and certainly this is an opportunity to accelerate that.

    Microsoft might participate in a rally to a greater degree than it has in the past year and a half, ... But it's not going to be a high-flier.

    The stock has probably bottomed out. But with no dramatic increases in earnings any time soon, the stock will probably increase in line with earnings growth.

    It's our time to come in and play and show what we can do. We have to show the defensive ends haven't lost anything.

    I'm feeling pretty confident right now about the system. I'm getting more comfortable each week and just have to continue to work hard.

    The skeptic would say this is not by choice.

    Forewarned is forearmed' is probably the most effective virus combat technique, and in this case the lead time was so short that many, many companies have been caught unarmed,

    There are certainly some solid growth prospects for Microsoft but it's not going to be the glory days again.

    For a company of Microsoft's size, this is good revenue growth. It shows that there is life here.

    After all, the shareholders have seen business lost from Microsoft's activities, so some portion should be given back to them,

    People were hoping for just a little bit better on the guidance. Guidance was OK but not great.

    I like it (the challenge) to be honest. It's a little bigger game than TCU or Tulsa. I'm not saying those weren't big games, but this is our first road game. It's great motivation to go out there on a national stage and get the job done.

    For anyone who aspires to cultural diversity, the richness of South Asian music is pretty hard to beat.

    Its for anyone with five or six sites in the London area that wants to disseminate information between them. We believe this is the first launch of a city-wide VPLS uncontended network.

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