There'll always be a section of a war movie that gets people pumped up in the same way there will always be men who will want to go to war, ... There is something that entices them there, that can be found in no other walk of life.
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Just because I hold a shot for more than five seconds and it's all a deliberate tableau, people say it's theater. It's not really.Sam Mendes
I'd like to think there's a huge interest out there because it's part of our daily life.
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I am not a master-class director. I am not a teacher. I am a coach. I don't have a methodology. Each actor is different. And on the film set, you have to be next to them all.
Sam Mendes
I think one of the things I was worried about with Jake was that we all know him, soft and puppyish and doe-eyed and sensitive and floppy hair and all of those things, ... This was a tough, young Marine. Yes, he was innocent and he needed to be accessible but he also needed to be angry, frustrated, difficult, dark, doubting, all sorts of other things and I'd never seen him do that before.
Sam Mendes
In terms of being an outsider in America and having a certain type of objectivity to a degree, there were a few times I thought to myself What on earth am I doing here I'm a Brit making a movie so firmly set in the States
Sam Mendes
I'm certainly getting a lot more mail... that's basically it.
Sam Mendes
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