Actors get used to scenes being cut.
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In terms of being an outsider in America and having a certain type of objectivity to a degree, there were a few times I thought to myself What on earth am I doing here I'm a Brit making a movie so firmly set in the StatesSam Mendes
As a first-time director in America, I feel I've been very fortunate.
Sam Mendes
It took me a long time to film the plastic bag, and then I had to get the cut of the scene right. But if you find it as beautiful as the character does, then suddenly it becomes a different movie, and so did he as a character.
Sam Mendes
I want to try and work in different genres with different types of actors, on small movies and big movies.
Sam Mendes
The bad thing about all this awards stuff is, it pits one film-maker up against another, it pits one movie up against the other. But, the good thing, there's no big movie this year that's gonna blitz everybody. You don't have to see all these movies and debate. And that's great.
Sam Mendes
They thought the book was evil and a bad advertisement for the US Marine Corps.
Sam Mendes
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