I don't know where this is going to go. We'll know more today. ... It's something that might have to be addressed in a hospital.
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Managing is the best job in baseball. And if you can't manage, then I've got the second-best job in baseball.Lee Mazzilli
Your heart goes out because you're always pulling for the guy. He's got a heart of gold. It's just too bad. I can say everyone that knows him and has played with him is pulling for him.
Lee Mazzilli
I look at it this way, everybody wants to manage because it's the greatest job in baseball. But if you can't manage, being the bench coach of the Yankees is the best job in baseball.
Lee Mazzilli
It's still stiff, so we'll see where he's at tomorrow. It's going to be day-to-day.
Lee Mazzilli
It's good to have him back. I think the guys in the clubhouse and the staff were really glad to see him.
Lee Mazzilli
Joe is the master in terms of dealing with people. But that has come with experience. He has a way about him now he may not have had before.
Lee Mazzilli
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