It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.
More Quotes from Rupert Everett:
But while opiates deliver temporary oblivion, they cannot quiet his restless mind or cure his black moods. That's because Sherlock is not like a normal person, ... He's a seer. He can walk into a room and touch things and actually see these sex crimes very clearly.Rupert Everett
I'm not a huge kind of nut banner-waver, ... I took the story, really, because I think it's a good story.
Rupert Everett
I don't want to just play gay characters, ... I think it would get boring to play the same thing again and again and again.
Rupert Everett
I seem to have been everywhere in the last 30 years, maybe not in the epicenter but flying around the periphery of extraordinary events and equally extraordinary people.
Rupert Everett
The interesting thing about Sherlock is that he is himself a reflection of that very English duality. As a drug addict, he is a criminal. But he is also a crime fighter. That makes him an extremely potent character to personify the hypocrisy of a culture that is both moralistic and corrupt.
Rupert Everett
Playing a gay character and being gay was my gimmick of 1997. And it gave me my little window of opportunity through which I'm jumping with alacrity,
Rupert Everett
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And doing a film in that period, and having to really celebrate what they wore back then, how they sat and how they spoke. You know, what the etiquette was back then for a lady. All of those things are like putting on a wig and transforming yourself, which I love.
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I find it easier to work when it's quiet.
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