Canada and space are a natural fit.
More Quotes from Marc Garneau:
I think there's going to be a very sudden shift in people's perception of the International Space Station, because suddenly it's going to look much, much bigger than it already is.Marc Garneau
In 1983, NASA invited Canada to fly three payload specialists, in part because we had contributed the robotic arm that is used on the shuttle.
Marc Garneau
New standards for safety are now in place and Canada has helped provide tools and techniques that were needed. Technologies like these are innovative and represent great achievements for us.
Marc Garneau
NASA wanted to assure its ability to examine the spacecraft in orbit for signs of damage.
Marc Garneau
After the Shuttle checks out on its two upcoming flights, it will be ready to take larger components up to the International Space Station later this fall.
Marc Garneau
So Canada has had an interest in space right from the beginning, and, in fact, started to work with NASA almost forty years ago.
Marc Garneau
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