I first heard it on a demo right before my aunt died. And then she died, and it was the hardest thing my family had been through. She had cancer and fought it very bravely for seven years. She shouldn't have made it two, really, with the type of cancer she had. I wanted to cut that song for what it said.
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He was the go-to guy and had a hard charge. He had a great sense of humor and was always happy. Whatever it took for the team, he'd do it.
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Even in your darkest moments, you'll think of something that'll crack you up.
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I'm sure there are a few things in my CD collection that might surprise people. I like classical music, the blues, and I'm a big fan of alternative rock.
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As a guitar player, it's harder for me to impress somebody than it is to write a song that they like.
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I've heard my share of Van Halen. I never liked rock.
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