Arab Proverbs (439 Proverbs)

  • Know each other as if your were brothers; negotiate deals as if you were strangers to each other.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If your neighbor visits Mecca once, watch out for him. If he makes a second visit, you had better avoid him. After the third visit you had better move to another street.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If the king says that it is night in the middle of the day, look up at the stars.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who walks alone shall surely arrive first.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who has approved of wrongdoing is as guilty as he who has committed it.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • God has spared the naked man from washing his clothes with soap.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Do not tell secrets in front of servants.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Both the fast and the slow will meet each other on the ferry boat.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • An unjust king is like a river without water.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Wit is folly unless a wise man hath the keeping of it.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • When a door opens not to your knock, consider your reputation.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Those who argue with each other on the highway will often make up in the lane.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further off than the roar of a lion.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The knife of the family does not cut.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • So long as the pot is boiling, friendship will stay warm.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Once you have decided to hit someone, then hit them hard because the retribution will be the same whether you hit hard or not.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Men laugh with their heart, women only with their mouth.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Kiss the hand of your enemy if you cannot chop it off: Envy has no rest.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If you want to take revenge on a man, send him a really beautiful woman.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If someone says "There is a wedding ceremony in the clouds," then the women would soon arrive with their ladders.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who uses bad incense must be careful not to burn his sleeves.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who foretells the future lies, even if he tells the truth.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • God grant us no neighbor with two eyes.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Beware the man who lavishes too much praise on you, he will later run you down.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • An old lion will be mocked by the dogs.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A secret is like a dove: when it leaves my hand it takes wing.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A kind word can attract even the snake from his nest.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A book that remains shut, is but a block.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • What wise men suppose is worth more than the certainties of fools.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Think of the going out before you enter.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The tree of silence bears the fruits of peace.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The ink of a scholar is worth as much as the martyr's blood.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The difficult is done at once, the impossible takes a little longer.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • So long as I can keep a secret it is my prisoner. If I let it slip then I am its prisoner.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • On the first of March, the crows begin to search.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Marriage is like a besieged fortress: those who are outside want to come in, and those already in want to be out.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Judge not of a ship as she lies on the stocks.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If you want to kill a snake, chop off its head.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If power is for sale, sell your mother to buy it. You can always buy her back again.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who steals an egg will steal a camel.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • God gave the giraffe a long neck so that He would not have to bend the palm tree.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Do not stand in a dangerous place trusting in miracles.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Beware of one who flatters unduly; he will also censure unjustly.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • An insult is but a short garment: it reveals the one who wears it.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A scholar's ink is worth as much as the blood of the martyr.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A kind speech and forgiveness is better than alms followed by injury.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A book is a garden carried in the pocket.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Youth is a kind of illness cured only by the passing years.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Wisdom consists of ten parts -- nine parts of silence and one part with few words.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • What the wolf mourns is food for the fox.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • They have sowed the seed of the word "tomorrow" and it has not germinated.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The tongue of experience utters the most truth.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The house of danger is built upon the borders of safety.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The dawn does not come twice to awaken a man.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Silence is the best answer to the stupid. The fool has his answer on the tip of his tongue.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • On the day of victory no one is tired.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Many are the roads that do not lead to the heart.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Judge a man by the reputation of his enemies.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If you want to hit your mother-in-law, be sure to split her head.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • If man be a river, then woman will be a bridge.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He who starts a lawsuit makes a hole in the dike.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • He that has no money has no friends.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • God bless him who pays visits -- short visits.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Do not ridicule the thin-bearded when you yourself have no beard.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Better to have bread and an onion with peace than stuffed fowl with strife.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • An imbecile can manage his own affairs better than a wise man the affairs of other people.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is the rain.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Your tongue is like a horse -- if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you treat it badly, it treats you badly.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • Whoever lives within himself is burning with love.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • What is learnt in the cradle lasts to the grave.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • There is no greater misfortune than your own.
    (Arab Proverb)

  • The strength of the heart comes from the soundness of the faith.
    (Arab Proverb)

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