Quotes about industrialization (14 Quotes)

    The key words of violent economics are urbanization, industrialization, centralization, efficiency, quantity, speed.... The problem of evolving a nonviolent way of economic life in the West and that of developing the underdeveloped countries may well turn out to be largely identical.

    Just at it did when the Great Game was played out in the decades leading up to the First World War, ongoing industrialization is setting off a scramble for natural resources. The coming century could be marked by recurrent resource wars, as the great powers struggle for control of the world's hydrocarbons.

    The Delaware Estuary has sustained a human population for thousands of years, but by the end of the 19th Century, increased population and industrialization had transformed much of the upper Estuary watershed.

    Mr. Oppenheimer played a seminal role in the industrialization of South Africa over a period spanning most of the 20th century, ... Through his work, he bequeathed to our country not only an industrial empire spanning the length and breadth of South Africa, but also major legacies in the fields of education, the arts and community development.

    The scientists who do climate research understand that much of the ever increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere since 1850 must be attributed to burning those fossil fuels to produce the energy that drives industrialization.

    We don't see that the industrialization of China is about to slow anytime soon. Even coal as a commodity is starting to become interesting again. So BHP has another leg in the market.

    In general, I'm opposed to any industrialization of Long Island Sound, ... It's appalling to think of plunking something so large out there. We enjoy watching the tankers and freighters go by from where I live, but I don't think anybody's going to appreciate something that big sitting out there on a permanent basis.

    Our history with VCEDA has been, they have been very helpful with us in the past for our efforts in industrialization, ... We have enjoyed some success in that area. Their assistance in achieving that has always played a role.

    The industrialization of China alone would increase by 90 percent the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere and would at least increase the atmospheric CO2 by at least another 100 parts per million.

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