Quotes about galaxies (15 Quotes)

    It seems to me, thinking of it, that there must be some universal plan which set in motion the orbiting of the electrons about the nucleus and the slower, more majestic orbit of the galaxies about one another to the very edge of space.

    Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

    One important early application of RAVE aims to measure just how much stuff there is in our Milky Way galaxy - the collection of stars, gas and dark matter that is the home of our sun. Newton's Law of Gravity allows us to figure out from the orbital motions of stars how much mass is holding them together. Faster motions need more mass. We know from analyzing the motions in other galaxies that there is a lot more mass than we can see and this dark matter appears to dominate. But we are not sure exactly how much dark matter is needed in our own galaxy, and we don't know what the dark matter is made up of. That information is important, and the RAVE survey is going to help us answer some of those questions.

    Don't you see what's at stake here? The ultimate aim of all science to penetrate the unknown. Do you realize we know less about the earth we live on than about the stars and the galaxies of outer space? The greatest mystery is right here, right under our feet.

    We must see that consciousness is neither an isolated soul nor the mere function of a single nervous system, but of that totality of interrelated stars and galaxies which makes a nervous system possible.

    The imagination ... inspires an audacious mental habit. We are as elastic as the gas of gunpowder, and ... a word dropped in conversation, sets free our fancy, and instantly our heads are bathed with galaxies, and our feet tread the floor of the Pit.

    We are very pleased that we will be able to give our students hands-on knowledge of the galaxies above them. For years Scotia-Glenville had a very strong astronomy program. Thanks to this donation, we look forward to that happening again.

    This man will not be able to understand why the sun still has the power to shine, eve if everything is vanity, as he will not be able to understand why the sun, the universe and all of its infinite galaxies and the endless stars have an age. He will not be able to understand why all of this dies, why they will all be someday stardust, and more than that, they will be Void and being, they will the nothingness of the vanity of vanities in vanity. And man will wonder Was it at least a Curse No, they cannot even be that. He will wonder again Was it a prayer or faith And he will turn to the church again, but this time he will not look for the church outside him, but only inside him, finding it in the Sacred Self alone, where it awaited him for so long facing the ages, when man was facing himself. And Man will shout desperately to his Sacred Self Why all of this Why the vanity Only then the Sacred Self will answer him For you It was all for you Man For me, will answer the man to his Sacred Self. Yes Man Yes Man Yes Man, will infinitely repeat the Sacred Self.

    just because something is labelled as a natural process doesnt make it any less miraculous. There is something a bit ridiculous about saying, there is no way this guy could have turned water into wine when we are at the bottom of a gravity well on a small rocky planet orbiting a nuclear fireball, our ancestors were fish and bacteria, our bodies are made of stardust, and the universe jumped from a size smaller than an atom to a complex, fine-tuned, system with over 100 billion galaxies.

    All finite things have their roots in the infinite, and if you wish to understand life at all, you cannot tear out its context. And that context, astounding even to bodily eyes, is the heaven of stars and the incredible procession of the great galaxies.

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