Quotes about authorship (16 Quotes)

    If a man write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, tho' he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. Mrs. Yule stated in The Docket, Feb. 1912, that she copied this in her handbook from a lecture delivered by Emerson. The mouse-trap quotation was the occasion of a long controversy, owing to Elbert Hubbards claim to its authorship.

    That's a device. I like to think about it as a little bit of a mystery ... the director describes it as a statement of authorship. It's kind of a sophisticated concept, but I like to think of it almost as my character looking back intellectually, but not at an advanced age.

    I proceed with the proper subject of this discourse; namely, the further changes in scientific belief, which have occurred within my own recollection, even since the time when I first aspired to authorship, now forty- five years ago.

    The basic idea of copyright law is to encourage authorship. To encourage people to invest the necessary resources to develop books and music and art. If you are downloading for free what everyone else is paying for, you are probably violating the law, which means you are violating the honor code.

    FROG, n. A reptile with edible legs. The first mention of frogs in profane literature is in Homer's narrative of the war between them and the mice. Skeptical persons have doubted Homer's authorship of the work, but the learned, ingenious and industrious Dr. Schliemann has set the question forever at rest by uncovering the bones of the slain frogs. One of the forms of moral suasion by which Pharaoh was besought to favor the Israelities was a plague of frogs, but Pharaoh, who liked them fricasees, remarked, with truly oriental stoicism, that he could stand it as long as the frogs and the Jews could so the programme was changed. The frog is a diligent songster, having a good voice but no ear. The libretto of his favorite opera, as written by Aristophanes, is brief, simple and effective --brekekex-koax the music is apparently by that eminent composer, Richard Wagner. Horses have a frog in each hoof --a thoughtful provision of nature, enabling them to shine in a hurdle race.

    Mr. Brokaw's successive accomplishments in broadcast journalism over the last 40 years, along with his more recent achievements in documentary reporting and authorship, have enlightened audiences, providing them with a unique perspective on our nation and its past, and stirring within them a passion about the historical events that have shaped our present day, ... Mr. Brokaw's work dovetails with the Foundation's mission - to educate, enrich, and inspire a deeper appreciation of our country's heritage through the collected evidence of its history. We greatly appreciate The Boeing Company's generous support of this tribute celebration.

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