The infant is ten and he stays,
("The Princess Bride")
More Quotes from William Goldman:
I guess the most amazing thing about crying though is that when you're in it, you think it'll go on forever but it never really lasts half what you think. Not in terms of real time. In terms of real emotions, it's worse than you think, but not by the clock.William Goldman
I have always liked it, it is still my favorite book. I do not like my writing, but I like this book. . . . I wish I liked my own writing more, but like all of us, I am trapped inside my own skin.
William Goldman
Inigo Montoya: He's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.
William Goldman
What are we going to do about Billy That was the phrase that haunted me those first ten years. I pretended not to care, but secretly I was petrified. Everyone and everything was passing me by. I had no real friends, no single person who shared an equal interest in all games. I seemed busy, busy, busy, but I suppose, if pressed, I might have admitted that, for all my frenzy, I was very much alone.
William Goldman
There's death coming up, and you better understand this:some of the wrong people die.Be ready for it.
William Goldman
Westley: This is true love - you think this happens every day?
William Goldman
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