She had a right to his arm, though it was without feeling. He would give her, who was so simple, so impulsive, only twenty-four, without friends in England, who had left Italy for his sake, a piece of bone.
("Mrs. Dalloway")
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One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats - and one always secretes too much jelly.Virginia Woolf
The large shiny black forehead of the first whale was no more than two yards from us when it sank beneath the surface of the water, then we saw the huge blue-black bulk glide quietly under the raft right beneath our feet. It lay there for some time, dark and motionless, and we held our breath as we looked down on the gigantic curved back of a mammal a good deal longer than the raft.
Virginia Woolf
Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.
Virginia Woolf
O amor torna a gente solitßria, pensou.
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That great Cathedral space which was childhood.
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One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
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