Normality is the Great Neurosis of civilization.
("Even Cowgirls Get the Blues")
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What looks to be a wisp of cloud is actually the moon, narrow and pale like a paring snipped from a snowman's toenail.Tom Robbins
Outlaws, like lovers, poets, and tubercular composers who cough blood onto piano keys, do their finest work in the slippery rays of the moon.
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There have been cans of dog food more splendiferous than South Richmond. Land mines more tender.
Tom Robbins
Cries for help are frequently inaudible.
Tom Robbins
Teachers who offer you the ultimate answers do not possess the ultimate answers, for if they did, they would know that the ultimate answers cannot be given, they can only be received.
Tom Robbins
She continued weeping until the heat of her tear water, the sheer velocity of its flow, finally obscured the already vague circumstances of its origins.
Tom Robbins
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