Time puts things in proper perspective.
More Quotes from Cameron Crowe:
I married a musician, music is everywhere I turn, thankfully. Yeah, a lot of times the ideas for a movie, or even the way I cast a movie, comes from driving around in my car and listening to tapes and thinking, 'Kate Hudson floating on a Joni Mitchell song.' That's a good scene.Cameron Crowe
All things considered, if you're going to miss one film this year, make it Vanilla Sky.
Cameron Crowe
Great music is its own movie, already. And the challenge, as a music fan, is to keep the song as powerful as it wants to be, to not tamper with it and to somehow give it a home.
Cameron Crowe
I miss Kentucky, I miss the sound of the cicadas, and I want to come back from time to time.
Cameron Crowe
Wilder would say, 'Ninety minutes for this picture is all my bum can take in a seat',
Cameron Crowe
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