Cameron Crowe Quotes on Music (8 Quotes)

    This was not a navel-gazing experience. But it did feel like it was worth saying as a tribute to my father. I always equate it to music. Every once in a while, songwriters say, 'This one's more personal than the others.' So I figured, embrace it.

    People dance and we have a lot of music and... this might be the closet I get for a while.

    I just think if you play it, it seeps in, it seeps into the performances, it seeps into the atmosphere of the movie. And a lot of times I used the music ... while they were doing the scene.

    Music is such an inspiration to me. I love it when it completes a story, along with the words and image,

    Great music is its own movie, already. And the challenge, as a music fan, is to keep the song as powerful as it wants to be, to not tamper with it and to somehow give it a home.

    I married a musician, music is everywhere I turn, thankfully. Yeah, a lot of times the ideas for a movie, or even the way I cast a movie, comes from driving around in my car and listening to tapes and thinking, 'Kate Hudson floating on a Joni Mitchell song.' That's a good scene.

    Hopefully I've done it, not in a pretentious way, but just as a cinematic mix, ... It is kind of a flourish. I didn't know if it would work. What I wanted it to be was authentic, the kind of music she would actually put on there. What I wouldn't want was it to be, 'Oh, that's that guy who always puts music in his movies doing a big thing with music'. I wanted it to be that girl's taste. And yeah, she would put Pride (In the Name of Love) on it. You do go for some obvious stuff when you make a mix tape because it reinvents itself.

    Music is like the other person in this film and it's really important for Orlando's character. It leads him on his journey and is with him on his road trip,

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