Everyone has their weak spot. The one thing that, despite your best efforts, will always bring you to your knees, regardless of how strong you are otherwise.
("Lock and Key")
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Maybe you could go backwards and forwards at the same time, but it wasn't easy. You had to want to.Sarah Dessen
But something, somehow, had made all these paths converge. You couldn't find it on a checklist, or work it into the equation. It just happened.
Sarah Dessen
One open, one closed. It was no wonder that the first image that came to mind when I thought of either of my sisters was a door. With Kirsten, it was the front one to our house, through which she was always coming in or out, usually in mid-sentence, a gaggle of friends trailing behind her. Whitney's was the one to her bedroom, which she preferred to keep shut between her and the rest of us, always.
Sarah Dessen
The chances we take, knowing no better than to fall or to stand back and hold ourselves in... protecting our hearts with the tightest of grips.
Sarah Dessen
Don't think or judge, just listen.
Sarah Dessen
There was something so heavy about the burden of history, of the past. I wasn't sure I had it in me to keep looking back.
Sarah Dessen
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