I froze for a bit, in truth-for about six months after the Oscars... There were lots of scripts landing on my desk.
More Quotes from Sam Mendes:
You make the movies for audiences. You get as many people to see the movie as possible. You do not make them for Academy voters. There are only 6,000 and me. It's going to get at least one vote. I'll vote across the board for my movie.Sam Mendes
The movies that influenced me were movies that told their stories through pictures more than words.
Sam Mendes
This is the first time in 10 years I don't know what I'm doing next, and I'm rather enjoying it. Soon I'll be climbing the walls no doubt, but right now, it's not clear, I'm just enjoying the freedom.
Sam Mendes
The characters are trapped within the lifestyle. It's about what goes on before the movie starts.
Sam Mendes
You think about taking audiences on a journey.
Sam Mendes
For me, certain shots or scenes are keys in the movie.
Sam Mendes
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