Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.
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Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?Nelson Mandela
I am accusing the truth commission of being abused and not performing the task which it was supposed to perform,
Nelson Mandela
There was much in such a society that was primitive and insecure and it certainly could never measure up to the demands of the present epoch. But in such a society are contained the seeds of revolutionary democracy in which none will be held in slave
Nelson Mandela
Paul Drury, a consultant for conservation group English Heritage, which also opposes the mayor's plan, has said that placing an informal, small-scale statue ... would be a major and awkward change in the narrative of the square.
Nelson Mandela
One of the few advantages of prison life is that one has time to read. This opened our minds and forced us to re-examine some of our views.
Nelson Mandela
Our hope is that the elementary reading of comics will lead to the joy of reading good books,
Nelson Mandela
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